I adapted the Jacobs Landscape Poster LaTeX Template created by the Computational Physics and Biophysics Group at Jacobs University
to have a simple, classic LaTeX look, and included colours specified by the Dalhousie brand guide.
The original template I had built upon is also on the Overleaf Gallery with the heading "Unnecessarily Complicated Research title.
Created by: Computational Physics and Biophysics Group at Jacobs University
Further modified by:
Nathaniel Johnston (nathaniel@njohnston.ca)
Modified further still by:
Abraham Nunes (nunes <at> dal <dot> ca)
This Project posits elementary analogies of existing Probabilistic and Machine Learning models that have been used to find solutions to the problem of the Structural Segmentation of Musical audio. I have tried to use the idea that the chord of a given beat or frame of a song is an analogous representation of the states generated by trained Hidden Markov Models in generating feature vectors for the aforementioned problem; and that the knowledge of the temporal boundaries within which, a group of frames lie, can be used as constraints in creating the feature vectors that are eventually clustered to identify the pattern in which the various segments of a song repeat.
Este trabalho tem a missão de explicar alguns temas de sistemas distribuídos, estes
sistemas são fundamentais para a comunicação, integração e processamento de dados via
internet ou rede local. Ao longo do trabalho abordaremos os principais tópicos tais como:
WebServices, Padrões de Sockets entre outros.
Plantilla para Tesis de pregrado de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH), siguiendo los parámetros definidos por la Manual de Normalización para Tesis
En la página www.zergiorubio.org se encuentra el detalle de este template.
Para más detalles sobre la estructura, paquetes empleados y sus autores visitar http://www.zergiorubio.org/?p=3279