it's the thesis template for swuster, which also can be used for daily report. so enjoy it.
the update is for replacing .cfg file with .tex to let swustart file editable on overleaf
Skeleton for a a paper in an edited volume for Language Science Press. The file main.tex can be transferred straight to the folder chapters/ of a skeleton for edited volumes after completion.
CSUThesis Latex 模板
本模板是中南大学论文 Latex 模板 CSUThesis,即 Central South University Thesis LaTeX Template.
学校的指导文件仅提供大致的格式描述与 word 示例,并没有提供官方的 LaTeX 模板,本项目意在维护一个学位论文的非官方标准(De facto standard),创建符合指导文件要求的 LaTeX 模板,主要由csu-disc0ver成员维护,原始仓库地址:
Unofficial Yonsei Thesis/Dissertation Template
I will not be responsible for any consequences and losses caused by the use of this template.
Use XeLaTeX instead of pdfLaTex or LuaLaTeX!
I heard that more people than I expected have been using it. Thank you to those who have used it even though the template is unofficial. Also, I fixed some bugs of the template. If you have any issues, please report them in the GitHub issue above.
This is a very unofficial and primitive template for typesetting dissertations, as outlined by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Freiburg i.Br., Germany. This example does not provide a finished or fully developed dissertation template - not in any way! In fact, its mere purpose is to lay some rudimentary foundations for further modifications! (compiler: XeLaTeX, preferably)