LaTeX templates — Beamer

Unofficial Tsinghua-themed Beamer template. This template is an adaptation of the OxPav template (originally made by Clara Eleonore Pavillet).

Template do Departamento de Estatística da UFPB para aulas e apresentações de conferências.

Plantilla para los proyectos de CA-403

Modelo de Apresentação Modificado para FGR - Faculdade do Gama - Universidade de Brasília Created based on the Feather Beamer theme

A minimalist and modern-ish Beamer theme. Blog post regarding how this was written can be found here:

This is an unofficial Oxford University Beamer Template I made from scratch. Feel free to use it, modify it, share it.

This beamer template is intended for Texas A&M University graduate students. I used this template during my Ph.D. defense.

Template Beamer para Apresentações da UFRN by Baseado em MIT Beamer Template versao 1.1 Atualizado em 14/05/2016

This template is intended for students, collaborators and researchers of the Laboratory of Innovations in Transportation of the Ryerson University
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