LaTeX templates — Italian

A template for Master's / Bachelor's thesis at Polytechnic of Turin. It is compatible with the latest version of toptesi in Overleaf (2018) as well as the latest one in TeXLive 2019.

template per tesi di Tor Vergata

This is a (not official) thesis latex template for the University of Palermo, Italy.

A LateX template for Unicusano Thesis bot bechelor and master, Engineering department.

Template Beamer

Template per la stesura di una tesi nel rispetto del formato richiesto dall'Università degli Studi di Brescia.

Configurazione della classe "sapthesis" per tesi di laurea magistrale in Medicina e Chirurgia presso Sapienza

A template for official communications by the National Presidency of the Italian Catholic Federation of University Students.

Unofficial LaTEX model for graduation theses at Polytechnic University of Bari (Italy), Department of Information and Electrical Engineering (DEI). This is the result of a personal initiative of Prof. Eng. Francesco, Adamo, PhD, Associate Professor in Measurement Science, to uniform the formatting of intermediate year's work reports and of graduation theses. Note from the author: I am not a professional developer in LaTEX! The project is shared "as-is" without any warranty. Any hint to help improving it will be welcome!
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