LaTeX templates and examples — Russian

RU template

#algorithm #russian #homework

Template для журнала Ученые записки Казанского университета. Серия Физико-математические науки

#maths #russian #homework

Module math

This template is for the scientific journal "Trudy MAI" and Moscow Aviation Institute.

The journal «Bulletin KRAESC. Physical & Mathematical Sciences» publishes the results of basic and applied research in the area of physical and mathematical sciences (mathematical modeling, mathematical physics, information and computational technologies, educational materials) including extended abstracts of doctor or candidate of science dissertations. The journal may also publish flashes, reviews, newsletters, information on scientific events, congresses, conferences, workshops, seminars and so on. The Journal was founded in August 2010, registered at the Federal Service for Compliance with the Law in Mass Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage (Media Organization registration certificate FS 77-41501 from 04.08.2010), and re-registered (certificate FS 77-58548 from 14.07.2014). The Journal founders are the Federal State Budget Research Institution «Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University», and the Federal State Budget Research Institution «Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences». The Journal is issued in print (ISSN: 2079-6641) and online (ISSN: 2079-665X) versions four times a year in Russian and it is also translated into English, beginning in 2014 (ISSN: 2313-0156). The Journal is posted on the «Math.-Net.Ru»Russian Mathematical Portal and is indexed in Google Scholar, DOAJ, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, OCLC WorldCat, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe (OpenAIRE), DataCite, Directory of Research Journals Indexing, Kyberlenika, Soсionet.

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