LaTeX templates — Swedish

Uppsatsframsida enligt Södertörns högskolas mall (tillgänglig som .doc på!/p3/ext/content.nsf/aget?openagent&key=mallar_1370425508685). [Template for bachelor's thesis frontpage of Södertörn University]

En mall för motioner och propositioner till ETAs föreningsmöten. A template for propositions to ETA society meetings. (Basque version coming soon.)

Twenty Seconds Resume/CV LaTeX Template Version 1.2 (4/05/17) This template has been downloaded from: Original author: Carmine Spagnuolo ( with major modifications by Vel ( Last edidted by Ingemar Grahn ( License: The MIT License (see included LICENSE file)

En LaTeX mall för att skriva Examensarbete på Byggnadsmekanik och Geoteknik - LTH

This is a template for project works at IDA in Linköping University. Simple and plain, but it works.

Template for writing a MSc/BSc thesis in computer science at Linköping University. It is based on the liuthesis template available at Changes here are mainly regarding the suggested thesis structure.

Lab report template for courses (e.g. physics 1 and 3) given at the TVM department (Teknikvetenskap och matematik) at Luleå University of Technology.

En LaTeX mall för att skriva KEX-jobb på KTH. Varsågoda att använda! Kanske kommer att uppdateras med tydligare instruktioner i framtiden. Lycka till!

This is a template for `liuthesis`, a modern class for writing a thesis for PhD, Licenciate, Master, or Bachelor (plus some more) at Linköping University (LiU) in Sweden. The version in the gallery is submitted 20230118. The latest version can always be found on GitLab. `liuthesis` is constantly being developed, so go to ( to get the latest version. The following options are recognized by the liuthesis document class - `phd` - For doctoral dissertations - `lic` - For licentiate theses - `msc` - For Masters' theses (default) - `bachelor` - For Bachelors' theses - `hu` - For the medical sciences (experimental) - `filfak` - For the Faculty of Arts and Sciences - `lith` - For LiTH (default) - `exhibitpage` - Produce an exhibit page (spikblad) and no thesis. Use this option to produce an exhibit page only for Licentiate/PhD dissertations.
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