A gallery of up-to-date and stylish LaTeX templates, examples to help you learn LaTeX, and papers and presentations published by our community. Search or browse below.
The template demonstrates a minimal working example of a paper for IARIA conference (International Academy, Research, and Industry Association). It applies the iaria LaTeX class (https://ctan.org/pkg/iaria). The class also includes the implementation of the IARIA citation style.
Unofficial PhD Thesis template for the Santa Clara University. I am currently working towards making this official, but do not have an estimated time. If your department wants to use this template but needs modifications or if you want to contribute to this template contact me kkodur@scu.edu.
This is a simple LaTeX template for preparing articles for the MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry. More on this journal you can find at https://match.pmf.kg.ac.rs .
Esta plantilla para libro es el resultado de bastante trabajo recopilando y reinterpretando lo que a mi parecer son la mayoría de cosas estéticas, pero minimalistas y formales que hay en algunos textos, la idea de esto es un libro simple, semiformal, pero no por eso menos estético, creo que pude encontrar a mi parecer un equilibrio entre la estética y lo formal (escribir matemáticas no tiene porque ser aburrido), para usar esta plantilla como se encuentra se debe usar XeLaTeX por las fuentes, espero les guste.