% -----------------
% Template for PhD Thesis by Publication
% Prepared by Hafiz Ahmad Awais Chaudhary
% https://www.linkedin.com/in/ahmad91/
% 2023
% Department of Computer Science and Information Systems - University of Limerick, Ireland
% Based on Giuseppe Torre, Harish Bhandari's and Jakob Suckale templates
% ------------------
%: Style file for Latex
% Most style definitions are in the external file PhDthesisPSnPDF.
% In this template package, it can be found in ./Latex/Classes/
%%%%%openany book twoside
% to display grey publication box
\definecolor{lightgrey}{rgb}{0.9, 0.9, 0.9}
% to display Math
% to Display C++ code
\definecolor{c++red}{rgb}{0.6,0,0} % for strings
\definecolor{c++green}{rgb}{0.25,0.5,0.35} % comments
\definecolor{c++purple}{rgb}{0.5,0,0.35} % keyword
%% Define a new 'Leo' style for the package that will use a smaller font.
%% Now actually use the newly defined style.
%: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%: TITLE PAGE: name, degree,..t
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% below is to generate the title page with crest and author name
% If output to PDF then put the following in the PDF header
\pdfinfo { /Title (PhD and MPhil Thesis Classes)
/Creator (TeX)
/Producer (pdfTeX)
/Author (Name Surname email@email.com)
/CreationDate (D:YYYYMMDDhhmmss) %format D:YYYYMMDDhhmmss
/ModDate (D:YYYYMMDDhhmm)
/Subject (Main subjects of your thesis)
/Keywords (put here few keywords relevant to your PhD work) }
\pdfcatalog { /PageMode (/UseOutlines)
/OpenAction (fitbh) }
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% The section below defines www links/email for authors and institutions
% They will appear on the title page of the PDF and can be clicked
\author{\href{mailto:email@ul.ie}{\textbf{ student name}}}
% \cityofbirth{born in XYZ} % uncomment this if your university requires this
% % If the city of birth is required, also uncomment 2 sections in PhDthesisPSnPDF
% % Just search for the "city" and you'll find them.
% Here the links to the Institution you belong to
\researchcentre{\href{https://lab.ie/}{lab name}}
\faculty{\href{https://www.ul.ie/scieng/schools-and-departments/department-computer-science-and-information-systems}{Department of Computer Science and Information Systems}}
\department{\href{https://www.ul.ie/scieng}{Faculty of Science and Engineering}}
\university{\href{https://www.ul.ie/}{University of Limerick, Ireland}}
% The crest is a graphics file of the logo of your research institution.
% Place it in ./0_frontmatter/figures and specify the width
% If you are not creating a PDF then use the following. The default is PDF.
% \author{YourName}
% \cityofbirth{born in XYZ}
% \collegeordept{CollegeOrDept}
%\renewcommand{\submittedtext}{change the default text here if needed}
\degree{Philosophi\ae Doctor (PhD) 2023}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% turn of those nasty overfull and underfull hboxes
%: --------------------------------------------------------------
%: FRONT MATTER: dedications, abstract,..
% --------------------------------------------------------------
%: Macro file for Latex
% Macros help you summarise frequently repeated Latex commands.
% Here, they are placed in an external file /Latex/Macros/MacroFile1.tex
% A macro that you may use frequently is the figure macro (see introduction.tex)
% sets line spacing
\baselineskip=18pt plus1pt
%: ----------------------- generate cover page ------------------------
\maketitle % command to print the title page with the above variables
%: ----------------------- cover page back side ------------------------
% Your research institution may require reviewer names, etc.
% This cover back side is required by
\begin{tabular}{p{2.2cm} p{10.5cm} }
\textbf{Supervisor:} & Prof. \\
& Chair of \\
& Department of Computer Science and Information Systems \\
& University \emph{of} Limerick \\
& Ireland \\
& \\
\multirow{2}{2.2cm}{\textbf{Internal Examiner:}} & Dr. ... \\
& Department of Computer Science and Information Systems \\
& University \emph{of} Limerick \\
& Ireland \\
& \\
\multirow{2}{2.2cm}{\textbf{External Examiner:}} & Prof. Dr.... \\
& Division of Software ...s \\
& University \\
& Country \\
& \\
\textbf{Chair:} & Dr. ... \\
& Department of Computer Science and Information Systems \\
& University \emph{of} Limerick \\
& Ireland \\
& \\
\multicolumn{2}{@{} l}{\textbf{\hspace{0.1cm} Day of the defence: ..... 2023}}\\
& \\
& \\
& \\
& \\
\multicolumn{2}{@{} r}{\textbf{Signature from the head of PhD committee:}}\\
%: ----------------------- abstract ------------------------
% Your institution may have specific regulations if you need an abstract and where it is to be placed in the document. The default here is just after title.
%: Declaration of originality
%: ----------------------- contents ------------------------
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{2} % organisational level that receives a numbers
\setcounter{tocdepth}{3} % print table of contents for level 3
\tableofcontents % print the table of contents
% levels are: 0 - chapter, 1 - section, 2 - subsection, 3 - subsection
%: ----------------------- list of figures/tables ------------------------
\listoftables % print list of tables
\listoffigures % print list of figures
\printglossary[type=\acronymtype,nonumberlist, toctitle=List of Abbreviations, title=List of Abbreviations]
%: ----------------------- glossary ------------------------
% Tie in external source file for definitions: /0_frontmatter/glossary.tex
% Glossary entries can also be defined in the main text. See glossary.tex
%\begin{multicols}{2} % \begin{multicols}{#columns}[header text][space]
%\begin{footnotesize} % scriptsize(7) < footnotesize(8) < small (9) < normal (10)
%\printnomenclature[1.5cm] % [] = distance between entry and description
%\label{nom} % target name for links to glossary
%: --------------------------------------------------------------
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% the main text starts here with the introduction, 1st chapter,...
\renewcommand{\chaptername}{} % uncomment to print only "1" not "Chapter 1"
%: ----------------------- Part I ------------------------
%\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Part 1:}
%: ----------------------- Part II ------------------------
\part{The Papers}
% the following are not attached with the thesis, so ignore this section
%: ----------------------- Part III ------------------------
\section*{Exemplary Code}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Exemplary Code}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{PhD Poster}
if you want to include any pdf then give path here
\section*{Project Funding}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Project Funding}
This PhD is funded by the .
% for reference list see line 361
% description of lab methods
% AC comments
% here we start the Appendix
% Definition of each Chapter in the Appendix is done via the following two lines
%\chapter*{Appendix A}
%\section*{Insert a figure}
% here we open a new chapter in Appendix etc. etc..
%\chapter*{Appendix A}
%Type here you text as usual . . .
%\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendix A: .....}
% AC comments
% --------------------------------------------------------------
%: BACK MATTER: appendices, refs,..
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% the back matter: appendix and references close the thesis
%\chapter*{Appendix C}
%\section*{Code for estimating attitude}
%commentstyle=\color{c++green},} % edit these parameters if you want to change the way your code is displayed
%Load your code file below
%\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendix C: Insert C++/Java et al. Code in Appendix}
%: ----------------------- bibliography ------------------------
%\begin{small} % tiny(5) < scriptsize(7) < footnotesize(8) < small (9)
%\renewcommand{\bibname}{References} % changes the header; default: Bibliography
%\bibliography{References-Bibtex} % adjust this to fit your BibTex file
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% Various bibliography styles exit. Replace above style as desired.
% in-text refs: (1) (1; 2)
% ref list: alphabetical; author(s) in small caps; initials last name; page(s)
%\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/PhDbiblio-case} % title forced lower case
%\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/PhDbiblio-bold} % title as in bibtex but bold
%\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/PhDbiblio-url} % bold + www link if provided
%\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/jmb} % calls style file jmb.bst
% in-text refs: author (year) without brackets
% ref list: alphabetical; author(s) in normal font; last name, initials; page(s)
%\bibliographystyle{plainnat} % calls style file plainnat.bst
% in-text refs: author (year) without brackets
% (this works with package natbib)
% -------------------------------------------------------------
\Urlmuskip=0mu plus 1mu