UL PHD Thesis by Publication Template - University of Limerick
Ahmad Chaudhary
Last Updated
há 9 meses
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This template has been prepared in the style of Thesis by Publication for PhD thesis.
This template has been prepared in the style of Thesis by Publication for PhD thesis.
% -----------------
% Template for PhD Thesis by Publication
% Prepared by Hafiz Ahmad Awais Chaudhary
% https://www.linkedin.com/in/ahmad91/
% 2023
% Department of Computer Science and Information Systems - University of Limerick, Ireland
% Based on Giuseppe Torre, Harish Bhandari's and Jakob Suckale templates
% ------------------
%: Style file for Latex
% Most style definitions are in the external file PhDthesisPSnPDF.
% In this template package, it can be found in ./Latex/Classes/
%%%%%openany book twoside
% to display grey publication box
\definecolor{lightgrey}{rgb}{0.9, 0.9, 0.9}
% to display Math
% to Display C++ code
\definecolor{c++red}{rgb}{0.6,0,0} % for strings
\definecolor{c++green}{rgb}{0.25,0.5,0.35} % comments
\definecolor{c++purple}{rgb}{0.5,0,0.35} % keyword
%% Define a new 'Leo' style for the package that will use a smaller font.
%% Now actually use the newly defined style.
%: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%: TITLE PAGE: name, degree,..t
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% below is to generate the title page with crest and author name
% If output to PDF then put the following in the PDF header
\pdfinfo { /Title (PhD and MPhil Thesis Classes)
/Creator (TeX)
/Producer (pdfTeX)
/Author (Name Surname email@email.com)
/CreationDate (D:YYYYMMDDhhmmss) %format D:YYYYMMDDhhmmss
/ModDate (D:YYYYMMDDhhmm)
/Subject (Main subjects of your thesis)
/Keywords (put here few keywords relevant to your PhD work) }
\pdfcatalog { /PageMode (/UseOutlines)
/OpenAction (fitbh) }
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% The section below defines www links/email for authors and institutions
% They will appear on the title page of the PDF and can be clicked
\author{\href{mailto:email@ul.ie}{\textbf{ student name}}}
% \cityofbirth{born in XYZ} % uncomment this if your university requires this
% % If the city of birth is required, also uncomment 2 sections in PhDthesisPSnPDF
% % Just search for the "city" and you'll find them.
% Here the links to the Institution you belong to
\researchcentre{\href{https://lab.ie/}{lab name}}
\faculty{\href{https://www.ul.ie/scieng/schools-and-departments/department-computer-science-and-information-systems}{Department of Computer Science and Information Systems}}
\department{\href{https://www.ul.ie/scieng}{Faculty of Science and Engineering}}
\university{\href{https://www.ul.ie/}{University of Limerick, Ireland}}
% The crest is a graphics file of the logo of your research institution.
% Place it in ./0_frontmatter/figures and specify the width
% If you are not creating a PDF then use the following. The default is PDF.
% \author{YourName}
% \cityofbirth{born in XYZ}
% \collegeordept{CollegeOrDept}
%\renewcommand{\submittedtext}{change the default text here if needed}
\degree{Philosophi\ae Doctor (PhD) 2023}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% turn of those nasty overfull and underfull hboxes
%: --------------------------------------------------------------
%: FRONT MATTER: dedications, abstract,..
% --------------------------------------------------------------
%: Macro file for Latex
% Macros help you summarise frequently repeated Latex commands.
% Here, they are placed in an external file /Latex/Macros/MacroFile1.tex
% A macro that you may use frequently is the figure macro (see introduction.tex)
% sets line spacing
\baselineskip=18pt plus1pt
%: ----------------------- generate cover page ------------------------
\maketitle % command to print the title page with the above variables
%: ----------------------- cover page back side ------------------------
% Your research institution may require reviewer names, etc.
% This cover back side is required by
\begin{tabular}{p{2.2cm} p{10.5cm} }
\textbf{Supervisor:} & Prof. \\
& Chair of \\
& Department of Computer Science and Information Systems \\
& University \emph{of} Limerick \\
& Ireland \\
& \\
\multirow{2}{2.2cm}{\textbf{Internal Examiner:}} & Dr. ... \\
& Department of Computer Science and Information Systems \\
& University \emph{of} Limerick \\
& Ireland \\
& \\
\multirow{2}{2.2cm}{\textbf{External Examiner:}} & Prof. Dr.... \\
& Division of Software ...s \\
& University \\
& Country \\
& \\
\textbf{Chair:} & Dr. ... \\
& Department of Computer Science and Information Systems \\
& University \emph{of} Limerick \\
& Ireland \\
& \\
\multicolumn{2}{@{} l}{\textbf{\hspace{0.1cm} Day of the defence: ..... 2023}}\\
& \\
& \\
& \\
& \\
\multicolumn{2}{@{} r}{\textbf{Signature from the head of PhD committee:}}\\
%: ----------------------- abstract ------------------------
% Your institution may have specific regulations if you need an abstract and where it is to be placed in the document. The default here is just after title.
%: Declaration of originality
%: ----------------------- contents ------------------------
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{2} % organisational level that receives a numbers
\setcounter{tocdepth}{3} % print table of contents for level 3
\tableofcontents % print the table of contents
% levels are: 0 - chapter, 1 - section, 2 - subsection, 3 - subsection
%: ----------------------- list of figures/tables ------------------------
\listoftables % print list of tables
\listoffigures % print list of figures
\printglossary[type=\acronymtype,nonumberlist, toctitle=List of Abbreviations, title=List of Abbreviations]
%: ----------------------- glossary ------------------------
% Tie in external source file for definitions: /0_frontmatter/glossary.tex
% Glossary entries can also be defined in the main text. See glossary.tex
%\begin{multicols}{2} % \begin{multicols}{#columns}[header text][space]
%\begin{footnotesize} % scriptsize(7) < footnotesize(8) < small (9) < normal (10)
%\printnomenclature[1.5cm] % [] = distance between entry and description
%\label{nom} % target name for links to glossary
%: --------------------------------------------------------------
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% the main text starts here with the introduction, 1st chapter,...
\renewcommand{\chaptername}{} % uncomment to print only "1" not "Chapter 1"
%: ----------------------- Part I ------------------------
%\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Part 1:}
%: ----------------------- Part II ------------------------
\part{The Papers}
% the following are not attached with the thesis, so ignore this section
%: ----------------------- Part III ------------------------
\section*{Exemplary Code}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Exemplary Code}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{PhD Poster}
if you want to include any pdf then give path here
\section*{Project Funding}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Project Funding}
This PhD is funded by the .
% for reference list see line 361
% description of lab methods
% AC comments
% here we start the Appendix
% Definition of each Chapter in the Appendix is done via the following two lines
%\chapter*{Appendix A}
%\section*{Insert a figure}
% here we open a new chapter in Appendix etc. etc..
%\chapter*{Appendix A}
%Type here you text as usual . . .
%\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendix A: .....}
% AC comments
% --------------------------------------------------------------
%: BACK MATTER: appendices, refs,..
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% the back matter: appendix and references close the thesis
%\chapter*{Appendix C}
%\section*{Code for estimating attitude}
%commentstyle=\color{c++green},} % edit these parameters if you want to change the way your code is displayed
%Load your code file below
%\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendix C: Insert C++/Java et al. Code in Appendix}
%: ----------------------- bibliography ------------------------
%\begin{small} % tiny(5) < scriptsize(7) < footnotesize(8) < small (9)
%\renewcommand{\bibname}{References} % changes the header; default: Bibliography
%\bibliography{References-Bibtex} % adjust this to fit your BibTex file
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% Various bibliography styles exit. Replace above style as desired.
% in-text refs: (1) (1; 2)
% ref list: alphabetical; author(s) in small caps; initials last name; page(s)
%\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/PhDbiblio-case} % title forced lower case
%\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/PhDbiblio-bold} % title as in bibtex but bold
%\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/PhDbiblio-url} % bold + www link if provided
%\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/jmb} % calls style file jmb.bst
% in-text refs: author (year) without brackets
% ref list: alphabetical; author(s) in normal font; last name, initials; page(s)
%\bibliographystyle{plainnat} % calls style file plainnat.bst
% in-text refs: author (year) without brackets
% (this works with package natbib)
% -------------------------------------------------------------
\Urlmuskip=0mu plus 1mu