overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

This is a template for the International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, downloaded from the Purdue Conferences website.

This template for the preparation of LaTeX submissions to PCCP (Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics) includes a direct link to the journal for easy submission of your finished article. To begin writing your article, simply click the 'Open as Template' button above. When your article is complete, simply click the 'Submit to Journal' link from within Overleaf to submit your files to PCCP. Your files will be transferred automatically in one easy step, without the need for you to download and re-upload any files, and you'll be taken directly to the PCCP submission site to complete your submission. If you're new to Overleaf, we've provided a short tutorial video to help you get started. This template uses the main LaTeX ARTICLE template for RSC journals. Copyright The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019. Use of the Overleaf platform and associated services (including the PCCP Template) is subject to the Overleaf terms of service.

This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar TBD "Seminar Sample".

The wuerzburg outer theme, chamfered inner theme and shark colour theme for beamer are created by Christian Gogolin.

This DarkConsole beamer theme and template was created by Kazuki Maeda <kmaeda@users.sourceforge.jp> for Japanese presentations, but can be used for English (or other European languages) presentations as well. It has been modified to work with XeLaTeX.

The IST-PROJECT-REPORT-ABSTRACT TEMPLATE is used to produce the Project Reports of INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TECNICO, UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA, AGIIT and ESer Courses. The Template is "smart", allowing to select the language of writing (English or Portuguese). Please view instructions in the README.TXT file.

Presento is a clean, simple and extensible template for presentations — supported by XeTeX and Beamer. This template has been adapted from the original version for Overleaf. For usage instructions please see either the source on Github or the README file accessible within the template.

Template for submissions to European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE 2016)

Modelo de artigo de periódico da PUC Minas proposto pelo professor Hugo de Paula da PUC MG - Unidade São Gabriel
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