PhD Thesis Template Leiden University (LIACS)
Sander van Rijn
Last Updated
há 2 anos
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A basis for a PhD thesis at Leiden University, specifically the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science
% arara: makechapters: {items: [titlepage, frontmatter, toc, introduction, preliminaries, design_space, basic_constraints, problem, local_search, mining, towards_general, applications, conclusion, bibliography, summary, samenvatting, cv, acknowledgements, glossaries]}
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% Base PhD Thesis for PhD's at LIACS %
% Based on the thesis by Koen van der Blom %
% Cleaned up and made generic by Sander van Rijn %
% \ifitemannotation{highlight}
% {\textbf{#1}}
% {#1}}
% \ifitemannotation{highlight}
% {\textbf{#1}}
% {#1}}
% Horizontal alignment for fixed width table columns
% Define acknowledgement box and box title style
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% Frontpage, contents
% Chapters
% Appendix, bibliography, summary, samenvatting, CV, acknowledgements
% Glossaries