Mobisys 2024 Poster Chairs
Last Updated
há 6 meses
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is a starting template for authors to begin their poster abstract draft
\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images
%% \BibTeX command to typeset BibTeX logo in the docs
\normalfont B\kern-0.5em{\scshape i\kern-0.25em b}\kern-0.8em\TeX}}}
%% Rights management information. This information is sent to you
%% when you complete the rights form. These commands have SAMPLE
%% values in them; it is your responsibility as an author to replace
%% the commands and values with those provided to you when you
%% complete the rights form.
%% These commands are for a PROCEEDINGS abstract or paper.
\acmConference[MobiSys '24]{The 22nd ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services}{June 03--07,
2024}{Tokyo, Japan}
\title{Poster: Poster Title}
\institution{Affiliation 1}
\institution{Affiliation 2}
Write abstract here...
%% The code below is generated by the tool at
%% Please copy and paste the code instead of the example below.
<concept_desc>Applied computing, Life and medical sciences</concept_desc>
<concept_desc>Human-centered computing, Ubiquitous and mobile computing</concept_desc>
\ccsdesc[300]{Applied computing~Life and medical sciences}
\ccsdesc[300]{Human-centered computing~Ubiquitous and mobile computing}
%% Keywords. The author(s) should pick words that accurately describe
%% the work being presented. Separate the keywords with commas.
This is just an example of citation~\cite{Knuth97}