MCQMC 2024 organizing committee
Last Updated
há 9 meses
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Latex template for contributed and invited talks in MCQMC 2024.
\setlength{\textwidth}{16.5cm} %\setlength{\textwidth}{18.2cm}
\setlength{\hoffset}{-0.3cm} %\setlength{\hoffset}{-1.2cm}
% -- adding a talk
\newenvironment{talk}[6]% [1] talk title
% [2] speaker name, [3] affiliations, [4] email,
% [5] coauthors, [6] special session
% [7] time slot
% [8] talk id, [9] session id or photo
\vskip 0pt\nopagebreak%
% \colorbox{gray!20!white}{\makebox[0.99\textwidth][r]{}}\nopagebreak%
% \ifthenelse{\equal{#9}{photo}}{%
% \\\\\colorbox{gray!20!white}{\makebox{\includegraphics[width=3cm]{#8}}}\nopagebreak}{}%
\vskip 0pt\nopagebreak%
% \label{#8}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{}}{}{Coauthor(s): #5\vspace{3mm}\\\nopagebreak}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{}}{}{Special session: #6\quad \vspace{3mm}\\\nopagebreak}%
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Document begins here
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
{Talk title goes here}% [1] talk title
{Speaker name goes here}% [2] speaker name
{Speaker affiliation(s) go here}% [3] affiliations
{email goes here}% [4] email
{Names of coauthors go here, no affiliations of coauthors please, all affiliations will be included in an appendix of
the program book}% [5] coauthors
{}% [6] special session. Leave this field empty for contributed talks.
% Insert the title of the special session if you were invited to give a talk in a special session.
Your abstract goes here. Please do not use your own commands or macros.
If you would like to include references, please do so by creating a simple list numbered by [1], [2], [3], \ldots. See example below.
Please do not use the \texttt{bibliography} environment or \texttt{bibtex} files.
APA reference style is recommended.
\item[{[1]}] Niederreiter, Harald (1992). {\it Random number generation and quasi-Monte Carlo methods}. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).
\item[{[2]}] L’Ecuyer, Pierre, \& Christiane Lemieux. (2002). Recent advances in randomized quasi-Monte Carlo methods. Modeling uncertainty: An examination of stochastic theory, methods, and applications, 419-474.
Equations may be used if they are referenced. Please note that the equation numbers may be different (but will be cross-referenced correctly) in the final program book.