AMATH582 homework template
Kelsey Maass
Last Updated
há 5 anos
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Homework template for UW AMATH 582 Winter Quarter 2020
Homework template for UW AMATH 582 Winter Quarter 2020
% If you're new to LaTeX, here's some short tutorials:
% Formatting
% Math
% Images
% Tables
% Algorithms
% Code syntax highlighting
% References
% Title content
\title{AMATH 582 Homework 1}
\author{Your Name}
\date{January 24, 2020}
% Abstract
Add your abstract here.
% Introduction and Overview
\section{Introduction and Overview}
Add your introduction and overview here.
% Example Subsection
\subsection{Subsection Title}
This is a subsection.
% Example Subsubsection
\subsubsection{Subsubsection Title}
This is a subsubsection.
% Theoretical Background
\section{Theoretical Background}
Add your theoretical background here. Some example text: As we learned from our textbook \cite{kutz_2013}, Fourier introduced the concept of representing a given function $f(x)$ by a trigonometric series of sines and cosines:
f(x) = \frac{a_0}{2} + \sum_{i=1}^\infty \left(a_n\cos{nx} + b_n\sin{nx}\right) \quad x \in (-\pi,\pi].
You can reference numbered equations, figures, tables, algorithms, and code like this: Equation~\ref{eqn:fourierseries}, etc.
% Algorithm Implementation and Development
\section{Algorithm Implementation and Development}
Add your algorithm implementation and development here. See Algorithm~\ref{alg:example} for how to include an algorithm in your document. This is how to make an \textit{ordered} list:
\item Fluffy swallowed a marble.
\item I took Fluffy to the vet.
\item They took an ultrasound of Fluffy's intestines.
\STATE{Import data from \texttt{Testdata.mat}}
\FOR{$j = 1:20$}
\STATE{Extract measurement $j$ from \texttt{Undata}}
\STATE{Do something useful}
\IF{$i\geq 5$}
\STATE{$i\gets i-1$}
\IF{$i\leq 3$}
\STATE{$i\gets i+2$}
\caption{Example Algorithm}
% Computational Results
\section{Computational Results}
Add your computational results here. See Table~\ref{tab:mascots} for how to include a table in your document. See Figure~\ref{fig:dubs} for how to include figures in your document.
& Name & Years \\
1 & Frosty & 1922-1930 \\
2 & Frosty II & 1930-1936 \\
3 & Wasky & 1946 \\
4 & Wasky II & 1947 \\
5 & Ski & 1954 \\
6 & Denali & 1958 \\
7 & King Chinook & 1959-1968\\
8 & Regent Denali & 1969 \\
9 & Sundodger Denali & 1981-1992 \\
10 & King Redoubt & 1992-1998 \\
11 & Prince Redoubt & 1998 \\
12 & Spirit & 1999-2008 \\
13 & Dubs I & 2009-2018 \\
14 & Dubs II & 2018-Present
\caption{UW mascots as described in \cite{washington_huskies}.}
% begin{figure}[tb] % t = top, b = bottom, etc.
\caption{Here is a picture of Dubs \cite{webeck_2018}. Dubs did not swallow a marble.}
% Summary and Conclusions
\section{Summary and Conclusions}
Add your summary and conclusions here.
% References
% Appendices
% MATLAB Functions
\section{MATLAB Functions}
Add your important MATLAB functions here with a brief implementation explanation. This is how to make an \textbf{unordered} list:
\item \texttt{y = linspace(x1,x2,n)} returns a row vector of \texttt{n} evenly spaced points between \texttt{x1} and \texttt{x2}.
\item \texttt{[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y)} returns 2-D grid coordinates based on the coordinates contained in the vectors \texttt{x} and \texttt{y}. \text{X} is a matrix where each row is a copy of \texttt{x}, and \texttt{Y} is a matrix where each column is a copy of \texttt{y}. The grid represented by the coordinates \texttt{X} and \texttt{Y} has \texttt{length(y)} rows and \texttt{length(x)} columns.
% MATLAB Codes
\section{MATLAB Code}
Add your MATLAB code here. This section will not be included in your page limit of six pages.
\caption{Example code from external file.}