Abstract Template for Conference
Last Updated
há 4 anos
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A template for a scientific abstract for a mini-conference
A template for a scientific abstract for a mini-conference
%%%%% Add your .bib file above
\usepackage[a4paper, total={5.9in, 9in}]{geometry}
%%%%%%%%%% Insert your title
\textbf{Title of the abstract in bold}
%%%%%%%%%% Insert Author name
\textbf{Main Author}, rest of authors not bold
%%%%%%%%%% Insert Department
\textit{Department address written in italic}
%%%%%%%%%% Insert your Email
\textit{Email in italic}
Main text of the abstract should be written with font 12, Arial. No indent of the paragraph. The references should be noted as the following example.\cite{Author} The figures in the abstract are allowed if they fit into one page limit and should be referred in the text accordingly (figure 1 \cite{Elgrishi2018}). One space before and after the figure is required. Abstracts are accepted in .pdf and .doc/docx formats.
\caption{Figure captions should be below the figure.}