% -------------------------------------------------------- %
% Package imports
% -------------------------------------------------------- %
% Information setup
% Use \and to separate the entries and \inst to link insitutions/affiliations
% Use \orcid to create an Orcid ID link.
Piotr Jankowski \inst{1,2} \orcid{1234-1234-1234-1234} \and
Maciej Wieszczyński \inst{2} \orcid{3333-3333-3333-3333} \and
Jan Kowalski \inst{2} \orcid{2222-2222-2222-2222} \and
Andrzej Jaworski \inst{3}
% Use \and to separate entries, \email to provide single emails adress
% and \emails[domain]{adress1}{adress2} to provide multiple email adresses from
% a single institution (affiliation) or domain.
% Note: Names are random and do not represent any real people!
Politechnika Wrocławska, Wrocław, Poland, \email{pjankowski@pwr.edu.pl} \and
% Use \footnote instead of \thanks as it has been redefined.
Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna\footnote{Sponsored by XYZ.}, Warsaw, Poland, \emails[wat.edu.pl]{pjankowski}{mwieszczynski}{jkowalski} \and
Naukowa i Akademicka Sieć Komputerowa, Warsaw, Poland, \email{ajaworski@nask.pl}
% Keywords for PDF file can also be provided verbatim in []:
%\keywords[CECC, Cryptography, Template, Abstract]{\confnameshort \and Cryptography \and Template \and Abstract}
\keywords{\confnameshort \and Cryptography \and Template \and Abstract}
\title{24th Central European Conference on Cryptology --- Extended Abstract}
% Optional
\subtitle{Template class for submissions}
% Use \authorrunning and \titlerunning to define authors and title strings
% that will show up in the header
% (optional - if not provided, all authors names will be used and title will be omitted).
\authorrunning{Piotr Jankowski et Al.}
\titlerunning{Extended Abstract Template}
% Listing settings are flexible and not enforced
% -------------------------------------------------------- %
This is the official template for submitting extended abstracts to 24th Central European Conference on Cryptology (\textit{CECC} 24). You can download it and use it locally (tested only with \lstinline|pdfLaTeX| compiler) or clone and use it directly on Overleaf.
\subsection{Title and keywords}
Provide the title of the submission using the \lstinline|\title{...}| command.
Optionally, also provide a subtitle using the \lstinline|\subtitle{...}| command.
Provide a list of keywords using the \lstinline|\keywords{...}| command with \lstinline|\and| as the separator. In case of macro keywords or keywords that are not showing in the PDF metadata section,
use the square brackets \lstinline|\keywords[<verbatim list of keywords>]{...}| to provide a string that will be used for the PDF metadata.
\subsection{Authors and institutions/affiliations}
To provide a list of authors use the \lstinline|\author{...}| command, with authors separated by the \lstinline|\and| command. To link an author with an institution/affiliation use the \lstinline|\inst{n}| command, where \lstinline|n| is the index of the institution in the institution list (multiple comma-separated affiliations can be added in one command). To create a clickable \textbf{orcid} ID link, use the \lstinline|\orcid{<ID>}| command. Please note that the \lstinline|\inst{n}| command should proceed the \lstinline|\orcid{<ID>}| command. Example:
Piotr Jankowski \inst{1,2} \orcid{...} \and
Maciej Wieszczynski \inst{2} \orcid{...} \and
Jan Kowalski \inst{2} \orcid{...} \and
Andrzej Jaworski \inst{3}
To add institutions/affiliations, use the \lstinline|\institute{...}| command. To provide more than one institution/affiliation use the \lstinline|\and| command to separate the list entries. Use \lstinline|\footnote{...}| instead of \lstinline|\thanks{...}|. For each affiliation you can provide an email address using the \lstinline|\email{...}| command. In case of multiple email addresses (e.g. multiple authors from one institution) use the \lstinline|\emails[domain]{local-part_1}(...){local-part_n}|. Example:
Inst 1, City, Country, \email{pjankowski@inst1.pl} \and
Inst 2, City, Country, \emails[inst2.de]{pjankowski}
{mwieszczynski}{jkowalski} \and
Inst 3, City, Country, \email{ajaworski@inst3.com}
By default, the left header shows all of the authors (e.g. for this document --- ``Piotr Jankowski, Maciej Wieszczyński, Jan Kowalski and Andrzej Jaworski'') and the right header shows nothing to accommodate the author list. To change the left header, use the \lstinline|\authorrunning{...}| command and provide a short author list. To change the right header, use the \lstinline|\titlerunning| command and provide a short title of the submission.
\subsection{Other information}
Bibliography/citation style is not enforced but the \textbf{plain} \lstinline|bibtex| style is preferred. The compilation will fail if the submission is longer than 4 pages.
Please start the submission with a non-numbered \textit{Introduction} section \lstinline|\section*{Introduction}|.