Xjenza Article
Malta Chamber of Scientists
Last Updated
há 2 anos
LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c
This LaTeX template is to be used for article submissions to the journal Xjenza.
This LaTeX template is to be used for article submissions to the journal Xjenza.
% Front matter
\title{A very interesting scientific publication}
\articleType{Research Article}%Research Article, Review Article, Research Note, News Article...
\author{J. Borg$^{1}$, J. Doe$^{2*}$ and J. Bloggs$^{2}$}
\authorAnnotation{$^{1}$Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Malta, Malta\\
$^{2}$Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge MA, US}
\correspondanceName{J. Doe}
% This goes in the header, in case the full title is too long
\shortTitle{A very interesting scientific publication}
\selfCitation{Borg, J. et al.\ (2022).\newblock {\em Xjenza Online}, \pageref{firstpage}--\pageref{lastPage}.}
% Bibliography file
% Insert additional packages here
%%%%% Do not edit %%%%%
Here, we refer to \textcite{smit54,colu92}. We can also use parentheses to cite \parencite{phil99}.
\section{Figures and Tables}
In \cref{fig:mcsLogo}, we can see a the MCS logo, which occupies 30\% of the width of a column. Notice we use the \verb|\cref{}| command to get a clickable link.
\caption{MCS Logo}
If we have a large figure or table, and we want to break out of the two-column layout, occupying the whole page, we could instead make use a starred environment (\verb|\begin{figure*}...\end{figure*}| instead of \verb|\begin{figure}...\end{figure}|). For instance,
\cref{tab:aSampleTable} does this.
\renewcommand\arraystretch{1.3} % This adds more vertical spacing
\begin{tabular}{l|c p{3cm}}
Column 1 & Column 2 & Column 3 \\
Left-aligned text & Centred text & A column no wider than 3cm \\
x & y & z
\caption{A sample table}
\LaTeX{} tables are not the easiest thing to work with, if you want you can use a spreadsheet software and then paste a table into a tool like \url{https://www.tablesgenerator.com/}, which will generate a table you can copy and paste into a \LaTeX{} document.
% List all citations
% Balance columns on last page
% For header on first page