% language-packages
% Times New Roman
% line-spacing
% figures
% adjustbox
% headers and footers
% links in the table of contents
% section headings
% bibtex apa citation style
% list of abbreviations
% center captions
% more functionalities in enumerations
% footnotes
% graphics
% tikz
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, arrows.meta, shapes, shadows, backgrounds, fit}
% algorithm
% tables
% \usepackage{tabularx}
% left fixed width:
% center fixed width:
% flush right fixed width:
% ensuring that floats are placed within their section
% list of figures/tables
% subfigures with individual captions
% additional symbols
% date
% parameters
\newcommand{\thesistitle}{Wordy Title}
\newcommand{\thesisauthorfirstname}{Max} % first name
\newcommand{\thesisauthorlastname}{Mustermann} % last name
\newcommand{\studentID}{1234567} % matriculation number
\newcommand{\thesistype}{Bachelorarbeit / Masterarbeit / Seminararbeit} % choose the correct one
\newcommand{\supervisor}{Prof. Dr. Detlef Schoder}
% source code
basicstyle=\footnotesize\ttfamily, % Default font
% numbers=left, % Location of line numbers
numberstyle=\tiny, % Style of line numbers
% stepnumber=2, % Margin between line numbers
numbersep=5pt, % Margin between line numbers and text
tabsize=2, % Size of tabs
breaklines=true, % Lines will be wrapped
% keywordstyle=\color{red},
% keywordstyle=[1]\textbf,
% keywordstyle=[2]\textbf,
% keywordstyle=[3]\textbf,
% keywordstyle=[4]\textbf, \sqrt{\sqrt{}}
stringstyle=\color{white}\ttfamily, % Color of strings
% backgroundcolor=\color{lightgray},
% mathematical symbols
% first line indentation
% WIM-specific settings
\geometry{a4paper, twoside=false, left=4cm, right=2.5cm, top=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm}
% header and footer
\rhead{\nouppercase{\textmd \rightmark}}
% remove section number from header
% remove \subsection from header
% on the titlepage, left and right margins are the same
\newgeometry{twoside=false, left=2.5cm, right=2.5cm, top=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm, includeheadfoot}
% go back to the old geometry
% list of figures
\renewcommand\cftfigindent{0pt} % no indentation
\renewcommand\cftfignumwidth{2cm} % no indentation
\renewcommand\cftfigpresnum{Figure } % prefix before figure number
\renewcommand\cftfigaftersnum{:} % suffix after figure number
% list of tables
\renewcommand\cfttabindent{0pt} % no indentation
\renewcommand\cfttabnumwidth{2cm} % no indentation
\renewcommand\cfttabpresnum{Table } % prefix before table number
\renewcommand\cfttabaftersnum{:} % suffix after table number
% depth of the table of contents
% disable section numbering
% list of references