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% Cover Page
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\textbf{Proposal Title}
Subtitle (if any)
\textbf{Author Name}
Supervisors: \\
Supervisor 1 \\
Supervisor 2 \\
Supervisor 3
Umm Al-Qura University \\
{\small \today}
\section{Proposal Title}
Title of the proposal
A brief summary of the research, including objectives, methods, and expected outcomes (more than 150 words).
\section{Proposal Keywords}
% List your keywords separated by a comma
Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3, Keyword 4, Keyword 5, Keyword 6
\section{Focus Areas}
Select one of the research topics. Examples:
\item \textbf{Traffic Control and Road Management}
\item \textbf{Dedicated Routes}: Specific roads and lanes are designated for pilgrim buses and emergency vehicles to ensure smooth flow and accessibility.
\item \textbf{Traffic Diversions}: Local authorities often implement diversions and alternate routes to manage congestion in high-traffic areas.
\item \textbf{Public Transportation Systems}
\item \textbf{Pilgrim Buses}: Large fleets of buses transport pilgrims between holy sites and accommodation areas, with schedules synchronized to accommodate the flow of pilgrims during peak times.
\item \textbf{Metro and Train Services}: In recent years, Saudi Arabia has expanded metro and train services to provide additional transportation options for pilgrims, reducing congestion on roads.
\item \textbf{Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Solutions}
\item \textbf{Real-Time Updates}: Mobile apps and digital screens provide real-time updates on transportation schedules, crowd densities at various locations, and emergency notifications.
\item \textbf{GPS Tracking}: Pilgrims can track the location of transportation services, ensuring efficient use and management of resources.
\item \textbf{Crowd Control Measures}
\item \textbf{Physical Barriers}: Temporary barriers and fences are set up to guide pedestrian flows and prevent overcrowding at critical points such as entrances to holy sites.
\item \textbf{Crowd Monitoring}: Surveillance cameras and crowd monitoring systems help authorities identify congested areas and deploy resources accordingly.
\item \textbf{Emergency Response and Medical Facilities}
\item \textbf{Medical Tents and Stations}: Temporary medical facilities are set up along pilgrimage routes and at holy sites to provide immediate medical assistance.
\item \textbf{Emergency Evacuation Plans}: Contingency plans are in place for rapid evacuation in case of emergencies or unforeseen events.
\section{Background and Motivation}
\item Provide background information and context of the research problem.
\item What is the research scope?
\item What is the question or problem you are trying to answer or solve?
\item Why is this important?
\item How is it done today, and what are the current limitations and challenges?
\section{Systematic Literature Review}
\item What is the state of the art in this area of research?
\item Provide proper references.
\item It is recommended that PRISMA guidelines be followed (\url{https://www.prisma-statement.org/}).
\section{Aims and Objectives}
\item What are you trying to accomplish?
\item How are you going to do the work?
\item What is new in your approach? How is your approach going to be different from others?
\item Why do you think it will be successful?
\item Describe the novelty in your approach or how are you going to improve on current approaches.
\section{Research Plan and Methodology}
\item Detailed plans and strategy of how you are going to accomplish the stated goals and objectives.
\item Describe the scope of the project.
\item Gantt chart for the timeline of the project.
\section{Prototype Design and Implementation}
Design a preliminary prototype to solve parts of the proposed problem (e.g., simple code using Python).
\section{Success and Impact}
\item How will you know that you successfully achieved your project goals? What is the expected output of the project?
\item Explain what the resulting success of the project would be and what impact could be achieved if the funding is awarded.
\item In alignment with Vision 2030.
\item Who can benefit from the project's output? How are you going to reach them?
\item Provide a draft ‘plan for the dissemination and exploitation of the project's results’.
%Add all relevant references as a bibliography.
first reference\cite{Ref1}