% Overleaf template of warwickthesis.tex made by S. Royle
% warwickthesis.tex modified by M Hadley from utthesis.doc Sept 96
% Significant changes were made in 2009, first to work seemlessly with pdflatex
% and secondly to use the setspace package to control linespacing -
% removing some incompatibilities that existed before.
% any comments or problems - contact me <m.j.hadley@warwick.ac.uk>
%%% File: utthesis.doc, version 2.0, January 1995
%%% =============================================
%%% Copyright (c) 1995 by Dinesh Das. All rights reserved.
%%% This file is free and can be modified or distributed as long as
%%% you meet the following conditions:
%%% (1) This copyright notice is kept intact on all modified copies.
%%% (2) If you modify this file, you MUST NOT use the original file name.
%%% This file contains a template that can be used with the package
%%% utthesis.sty and LaTeX2e to produce a thesis that meets the requirements
%%% of the Graduate School of The University of Texas at Austin.
%%% All of the commands defined by utthesis.sty have default values (see
%%% the file
% warwickthesis.sty
%%% for these values). Thus, theoretically, you
%%% don't need to define values for any of them; you can run this file
%%% through LaTeX2e and produce an acceptable thesis, without any text.
%%% However, you probably want to set at least some of the macros (like
%%% \thesisauthor). In that case, replace "..." with appropriate values,
%%% and uncomment the line (by removing the leading %'s).
% all comments starting with %! have been added by M Hadley as
% part of the conversion for the University of Warwick
%\documentclass[11pt,a4paper,twoside]{report} %% LaTeX2e document.
%%* Removed twoside option which is no longer accepted - you might want to use it for drafts.
\documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{report} %% LaTeX2e document.
\usepackage{warwickthesis,setspace,graphicx} %! setspace is used to control linepacing
\usepackage[square]{natbib} %! needed for Harvard style of references.
%! for more notes see the bibliography section below
\usepackage{enumerate} %! used for the library form, but you might find it useful too.
% \mastersthesis %% Uncomment one of these; if you don't
% \phdthesis %% use either, the default is \phdthesis.
%\thesisdraft %% Uncomment this if you want a draft
%% version; this will print a timestamp
%% on each page of your thesis.
\leftchapter %% Uncomment one of these if you want
% \centerchapter %% left-justified, centered or
% \rightchapter %% right-justified chapter headings.
%% Chapter headings includes the
%% Contents, Acknowledgments, Lists
%% of Tables and Figures and the Vita.
%% The default is \centerchapter.
%\renewcommand{\familydefault}{cmss} %! removed April 2009 because the default times font reads more easily
%! for larger blocks of text.%!
%! Added March 2003.
%! This alternative is to use a sans serif font as in
%! the Warwick Corporate style.
%! The default is Times, which is still acceptable.
\onehalfspacing %! This is the default and gives an acceptable "double spaced" thesis
%! It is the minimum spacing accepted by the graduate school, and there is no reason to increase the spacing.
% \singlespacing %! Uncomment if you want single-spacing,
%\doublespacing %! uncomment if you want real double-spacing for some perverse reason.
%\setlength{\textheight}{9.0in} %! Uncomment this for a slightly
%! longer page. The default is now 8.5in (from Feb 2010)
%! regulations require page numbers to be at least 1.5cm into the page.
%! You can even try a longer page to save paper.
%! Double sided printing is no longer allowed (March 2008), it caused too many problems at binding,
%\setlength{\evensidemargin}{0.15in} %! Uncomment this line for double sided printing
%! Double-sided printing has recently been
%! allowed by the Graduate School (March 2003)
%! The default is {0.7in} for single sided.
%! Double sided printing is no longer allowed (March 2008), it caused too many problems at binding,
\renewcommand{\thesisdepartmentname}{.........} %! The name of
% the department
%! \renewcommand{\thesissubmission}{Submitted to the University of Warwick\\
%! in partial fulfilment of the requirements\\
%! for admission to the degree of\\}
%!!!!!!!! default is:
\renewcommand{\thesissubmission}{Submitted to the University of Warwick\\
for the degree of}
%! In the title page this wording will be preceded by: thesis\\
%! and ended by: Doctor of Philosophy (or the
%! selected alternative names
%! use \\ where you want a new line
\renewcommand{\thesisauthor} {.....} %% Your official name.
\renewcommand{\thesisauthorno}{........} %! your university number, used on the library copyright page.
\renewcommand{\thesismonth}{....} %% Your month of graduation.
\renewcommand{\thesisyear}{....} %% Your year of graduation.
\renewcommand{\thesistitle}{....} %% The title of your thesis; use
%% mixed-case.
%! \renewcommand{\thesistitletypesize}{\LARGE} %! Put this in if you
%! want a Large title the default is \large
%% Your previous degrees, abbreviated;
%% separate multiple degrees by commas.
%% Your thesis supervisor; use mixed-case
%% and don't use any titles or degrees.
%% Your permanent address; use "\\" for
%% linebreaks.
%! For the library declaration page only
%! \renewcommand{\thesiscopyrightagree}{agree}
%! agreement to allow single photocopies this is the default
%! \renewcommand{\thesiscopyrightagree}{do not agree}
%! refusal to allow single photocopies
%! \renewcommand{\thesiscopyrightagreewhen}{immediately.}
%! that is the default to be used in all but the most exceptional circumstances
%! \renewcommand{\thesiscopyrightagreewhen}{after an embargo period of ……….................... months/years as agreed by the Chair of the Board of Graduate Studies.}
%! An alternative, if you have permission. Replace the .... month/years with approved period or change the wording to insert a date.
%! \renewcommand{\thesisinternetagree}{thesis can be made publicly available online.}
%! default online declaration for WRAP
%! \renewcommand{\thesisinternetagree}{thesis cannot be made publicly available online.}
%! use if necessary
%! \renewcommand{\thesisinternetagree}{thesis can be made publicly available only after…..}
%! conditional agreement, please put the date in place of the dots, ending with a fullstop.
%! \renewcommand{\thesisinternetagree}{full thesis cannot be made publicly available online, but I am submitting a separately identified additional abridged version that can be made available online.}
%%% The following commands are all optional, but useful if your requirements
%%% are different from the default values in utthesis.sty. To use them,
%%% simply uncomment (remove the leading %) the line(s).
% \renewcommand{\thesisdegree}{...} %% Uncomment this only if your thesis
%% for \phdthesis or "MASTER OF ARTS"
%% for \mastersthesis. Provide the
%% correct FULL OFFICIAL name of
%% the degree.
% \renewcommand{\thesisdegreeabbreviation}{...}
%% Use this if you also use the above
%% command; provide the OFFICIAL
%% abbreviation of your thesis degree.
%\renewcommand{\thesistype}{Thesis} %% Use this ONLY if your thesis type
%! is NOT "Thesis"
%% Provide the OFFICIAL type of the
%% thesis; use mixed-case.
% \renewcommand{\thesistypist}{...} %% Use this to specify the name of
%% the thesis typist if it is anything
%% other than "the author".
%\input header.tex %! Input declarations, new
%theorems etc.
\thesiscopyrightpage %! Generate the copyright page for the library.
%%%%%%%%%%% \thesiscopyrightpagehardcopyonly This only applies for a masters thesis that will not go online.
%%* Uncomment a title page.
\thesistitlepage %% Generate the title page.
%\thesistitlecolourpage %! Generates a COLOUR title page.
%%* Start roman page numbering here for contents, etc
\pagenumbering{roman} %! Begins roman numerals start from page i.
\tableofcontents %% Generate table of contents.
% \listoftables %% Uncomment this to generate list
%% of tables.
% \listoffigures %% Uncomment this to generate list
%% of figures.
\begin{thesisacknowledgments} %% Use this to write your
% \input ack.tex %% acknowledgments; it can be anything
%% allowed in LaTeX2e par-mode.
%! This following is not needed, but you may like to add it.
%This \lowercase\expandafter{\thesistype} was typeset with
%\LaTeXe\footnote{\LaTeXe{} is an extension of \LaTeX. \LaTeX{} is
%a collection of macros for \TeX. \TeX{} is a trademark of the
%American Mathematical Society. The style package {\em warwickthesis} was
%used.} by \thesistypist.
\begin{thesisdeclaration} %! Use this to declare the extent of
%! the original work,
%! collaboration, other published
%! material etc.it can be anything
%% allowed in LaTeX2e par-mode.
Replace this text with a declaration of the extent of the original work,
collaboration, other published material etc. You can use any \LaTeX\
\begin{thesisabstract} %% Use this to write your thesis
%% abstract; it can be anything
%% allowed in LaTeX2e par-mode.
%! \begin{singlespace} %! uncomment this if you need single spacing
% \input abstract.tex %! don't forget the end spacing!
%! It must fit on one page.
%! single spacing and smaller
%! font size
%! is allowed here.
%! \end{singlespace}
%\begin{thesisabbreviations} %! Use this to give a list of
%! abbreviateons
%! It can be anything
%\end{thesisabbreviations} %! allowed in LaTeX2e par-mode.
%!The following may be useful':
%! \item[symbol]descriptive text..
%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! %% Begin your thesis text here; follow
%% the report style and group your text
%% in chapters, sections, etc. eg:
%%* don't need this with one-sided printing
%\newpage{\pagestyle{empty}\cleardoublepage} %! ensure that Chapter 1 starts on an odd
%! page when using double sided printing.
%%* Start arabic numbering of main text here
\pagenumbering{arabic} %! Begins arabic numerals start from page 1.
You would usually put the main content in separate files.
% \input introduction.tex
%% More chapters.
%! There are a few variations of reference
\begin{verbatim}\citet[chap. 2]{ballentine82}|
for a textual one, as \citet[chap. 2]{ballentine82}.\\
for a parenthetical citation \citep{abraham_etal},\\
for a full list of authors use a * parenthetical citation \citep*{MTW},\\
% \appendix %% this will do the appendices
% \chapter{Proof of Fred's theorem}
% \input{app1.tex}
% \chapter{listing of Fred's program}
% \input{app2.tex}
\bibliography{sample} %% Start your bibliography here;
%! with sample.bib as your bibliography file. You can
%% also use:
%! \begin{thebibliography}
%! \bibitem{etc....
%! \end{thebibliography}
%% to generate your bibliography.
%\begin{thesisauthorvita} %% Write your vita here; it can be
% %% anything in LaTeX2e par-mode.
%\end{thesisauthorvita} %%
\end{document} %% Done.