University at Albany
Zahiruddin Alamgir
Last Updated
há 7 anos
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Thesis Template made following University at Albany, State University of New York guideline
Thesis Template made following University at Albany, State University of New York guideline
% Prepared by Zahiruddin Alamgir, University at Albany
% V.01
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Required for inputting international characters
% \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Output font encoding for international characters
\usepackage{times} % Use the Palatino font by default
%\usepackage[backend=bibtex,style=authoryear,natbib=true]{biblatex} % Use the bibtex backend with the authoryear citation style (which resembles APA)
\usepackage[sorting=none, backend=biber]{biblatex}
\addbibresource{example.bib} % The filename of the bibliography
\usepackage[autostyle=true]{csquotes} % Required to generate language-dependent quotes in the bibliography
%\textsc{\Large Doctoral Dissertation}\\[0.5cm] % Thesis type
\huge\textbf{Dissertation Title}
\Large \textbf{by}\\
\Large\textbf{Zahiruddin Alamgir}
% \vfill
\large \textit{A dissertation submitted to the University at Albany, State University of New York\\in partial fulfillment of the requirements\\ for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy}\\[0.3cm] % University requirement text
% \textit{in }\\[0.4cm]
\textit{Department Name}\\[0.3cm] % Department or School's name
%\textit{College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering}\\[.3cm] % Department or School's name
%{\Large Month \the\year} % You can use this format or
%{\large \today}\\[2cm] % Date
\pagenumbering{roman} % numbered with lower case numerals
\setcounter{page}{2} % numbering is not printed in title page. So 2nd page should start with number 2.
\chapter*{\centering Declaration}
I, Zahiruddin Alamgir, declare that this thesis titled, ``Elucidation and Optimization of Resistive Random Access Memory Switching Behavior for Advanced Computing Applications", and the work presented in it are my own. Studies discussed in the part of Chapter 3, Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 have been either published or accepted in the following citations and I am the lead author of the works.
\item ``Flow-based computing on nanoscale crossbars: Design and implementation of full adders". Z. Alamgir, K. Beckmann, N.C. Cady, A. Velasquez, S.K. Jha. Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2016 IEEE International Symposium on. IEEE. 2016, pp. 1870–1873. DOI:
10.1109/ISCAS.2016.7538936. Copyright~\copyright~IEEE. The IEEE does not require individuals working on a thesis to obtain a formal reuse license. For details, one can visit:
\item ``Pulse width and height modulation for multi-level resistance in bilayer TaO$_{x}$ based RRAM". Z. Alamgir, K. Beckmann, J. Holt, N.C. Cady. Applied Physics Letters, 111(6), 063111; \url{}. Copyright~\copyright~AIP Publishing LLC.
The articles are included in the dissertation in original wording with permission from the publishers. Permission to reuse the articles has been included in Appendix A. The images/Figures that are authored by another person or publication and are being reproduced or replicated or adapted in the dissertation, permission to reuse these has been included in Appendix B. If the publication offers general permission via a website, the web address has been included.
\noindent\enquote{\itshape The ability to perceive or think differently is more important than the knowledge gained.}\bigbreak
\hfill David Bohm
\chapter*{\centering Abstract}
Your abstract will go here.
\chapter*{\centering Acknowledgements}
You should mention your advisor, lab-mates and others here.
\tableofcontents % Prints the main table of contents
\listoffigures % Prints the list of figures
\listoftables % Prints the list of tables
% \begin{abbreviations}{ll} % Include a list of abbreviations (a table of two columns)
% \textbf{NVM} & \textbf{N}on \textbf{V}olatile \textbf{M}emory\\
% \textbf{RRAM} & \textbf{R}esistive \textbf{R}andom \textbf{A}ccess \textbf{M}emory\\
% \textbf{HRS} & \textbf{H}igh \textbf{R}esistance \textbf{S}tate\\
% \textbf{LRS} & \textbf{L}ow \textbf{R}esistance \textbf{S}tate\\
% \textbf{VCM} & \textbf{V}alence \textbf{C}hange \textbf{M}emory\\
% \textbf{ECM} & \textbf{E}lectro \textbf{C}hemical \textbf{M}etallization\\
% \textbf{CBRAM} & \textbf{C}onductive \textbf{B}ridge \textbf{R}andom \textbf{A}ccess \textbf{M}emory \\
% \textbf{CF} & \textbf{C}onductive \textbf{F}ilament \\
% \textbf{PCM} & \textbf{P}hase \textbf{C}hange \textbf{M}emory\\
% \textbf{GB} & \textbf{G}rain \textbf{B}oundary \\
% \textbf{MRAM} & \textbf{M}agnetoresistive \textbf{R}andom \textbf{A}ccess \textbf{M}emory\\
% \textbf{SRAM} & \textbf{S}tatic \textbf{R}andom \textbf{A}ccess \textbf{M}emory\\
% \textbf{DRAM} & \textbf{D}ynamic \textbf{R}andom \textbf{A}ccess \textbf{M}emory\\
% \textbf{FRAM} & \textbf{F}erroelctric \textbf{R}andom \textbf{A}ccess \textbf{M}emory\\
% \textbf{PR} & \textbf{P}hoto \textbf{R}esist \\
% \textbf{PF} & \textbf{P}oole \textbf{F}renkel \\
% \textbf{FN} & \textbf{F}owler \textbf{N}ordheim \\
% \textbf{SCLC} & \textbf{S}pace \textbf{C}harge \textbf{L}imited \textbf{C}urrent\\
% \textbf{MIT} & \textbf{M}etal \textbf{I}nsulator \textbf{T}ransition\\
% \textbf{PUF} & \textbf{P}hysical \textbf{U}nclonable \textbf{F}unction\\
% \textbf{PVD} & \textbf{P}hysical \textbf{V}apor \textbf{D}eposition\\
% \textbf{OEL} & \textbf{O}xygen \textbf{E}xchange \textbf{L}ayer\\
% \textbf{RF} & \textbf{R}adio \textbf{F}requency \\
% \textbf{DC} & \textbf{D}irect \textbf{C}urrent \\
% \end{abbreviations}
% \begin{constants}{lr@{${}={}$}l} % The list of physical constants is a three column table
% % The \SI{}{} command is provided by the siunitx package, see its documentation for instructions on how to use it
% Speed of Light & $c_{0}$ & \SI{2.99792458e8}{\meter\per\second} (exact)\\
% %Constant Name & $Symbol$ & $Constant Value$ with units\\
% \end{constants}
% \begin{symbols}{lll} % Include a list of Symbols (a three column table)
% $a$ & distance & \si{\meter} \\
% $P$ & power & \si{\watt} (\si{\joule\per\second}) \\
% %Symbol & Name & Unit \\
% \addlinespace % Gap to separate the Roman symbols from the Greek
% $\omega$ & angular frequency & \si{\radian} \\
% \end{symbols}
\chapter*{\centering Dedication}
\textit{\LARGE\centering To my ....}
\cleardoublepage\pagenumbering{arabic} % Arabaic page numbering from chapter 1
\appendix % Cue to tell LaTeX that the following "chapters" are Appendices