Mohammad Nazmul Haque
Last Updated
há 2 anos
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is a LaTeX template which meets the style guide for the PhD thesis for the University of Newcastle, Australia.
% give the header a bit more room for fancyhdr below
% otherwise LaTeX will spew on each page
% first set to zero ...
% adjust these if printer is off by a bit
% from HDR Thesis Preparation Advice 2008
% margins >= 3.5cm on binding edge and >= 1.5cm on opposite
% >= 2.0cm on top and bottom
% NB also that the optimal number of characters per line
% for readability is only 60-70, we're over so we'll be a
% bit more generous on the evensidemargin
% set up some of the spacing
% A4 dimensions [mm]: 209.903 x 297.039
\setlength{\textwidth}{21 cm}
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% fix up width
% now we've added 2inches in setting up margins
% fix up height
% now we've added 2inches in setting up margins
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% this stops one figure taking up a whole page and lets more text onto
% the one page when a figure exists
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% put appendix on a new page
% reset the page counter
% set the format for the appendix page number
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% set the appendix name
% \section{#1}
%%% load the required packages
% fancyhdr for nice, fancy headings
% ccaption for good caption handling
% xspace so that spaces after commands are handled correctly
% required for nice pictures
% required to use \ifpdf statements, see end of doc
% ifthenelse for if loops
\usepackage{tabularx,booktabs} % Combines tabularx and longtable functionality
% improved version of caption handling
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% set the pagestyle to look good
%%%%% Fancyhdr stuff
% define how headers are marked, for details, see fancyhdr docs
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}
% define where sections, chapters and pagenumbers are put
% see fancyhdr docs for details
% the \nouppercase stops book.cls making the contents, bibliography
% and index headers from being all in uppercase.
% The options used here are essentially that in Lamport's book, but
% with small caps for the headings.
\fancyhead[LO]{\sc \nouppercase{\rightmark}}
\fancyhead[RE]{\sc \nouppercase{\leftmark}}
%%% other settings required for a thesis
% It's a references section, not a bibliography, hence redefine
% \bibname i.e. change ``Bibliography'' to ``References''
\newcommand{\blankpage}{\newpage This page intentionally left blank.}
% single line spacing for the final copy
% spell things correctly
\usepackage[grey,times]{quotchap} % this makes the chapter title look nice,
% and you can insert a quote
%%%%% optional packages
% this is the natural sciences bibliography citation
% style package. The options here give citations in
% the text as numbers in square brackets, separated by
% commas, citations sorted and consecutive citations
% compressed
% output example: [1,4,12-15]
% allows the table of contents, bibliography
% and index to be added to the table of
% contents if desired, the option used
% here specifies that the table of
% contents is not to be added.
% tocbibind needs to be after natbib
% otherwise bits of it get trampled.
\usepackage[pdftitle={PhD Thesis Title}, pdfauthor={Mohammad Nazmul Haque}, pdfsubject={Thesis},
bookmarksopen = true,
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\newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}[chapter] % reset theorem numbering for each chapter
\newtheorem{obj}{Objective}[chapter] % use global Objective numbering
\newtheorem{defn}[thm]{Definition} % definition numbers are dependent on theorem numbers
\newtheorem{exmp}[thm]{Example} % same for example numbers
% or:
\pagenumbering{roman} % make sure that front matter is numbered roman
\huge\sc\expandafter{Title of the PhD Thesis} % put in small caps
\Large\textrm{\href{mailto:Firstname.Lastname@uon.edu.au}{Firstname Lastname} \\\small{MSc (UniA), BSc (UniB)}}
\textit{submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of}\\
\Large\textbf{Doctor of Philosophy}
\includegraphics[width=0.2 \columnwidth]{images/newcastle.png}\\
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science\\
\href{http://www.newcastle.edu.au/}{The University of Newcastle}\\
Callaghan, New South Wales 2308, Australia\\
April 2022\\
%%%%% Submition date if different from creation date
%\submitdate{September 2013}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Algorithms}
% Chapter 1
\subsection{Specific Background}
\subsection{Further refinement of the Background}
\item [Challenge 1:] \lipsum[1]
\item [Challenge 2:] \lipsum[2]
\item [Challenge 3:] \lipsum[3]
\item [Challenge 4:] \lipsum[4]
\section{Research Objectives \label{sec:obj}}
\item[Obj 1\label{Obj1}:] \lipsum[1]
\item[Obj 2\label{Obj2}:]\lipsum[2]
\item[Obj 3\label{Obj3}:]\lipsum[3]
\item[Obj 4\label{Obj4}:] \lipsum[4]
\section{Organisation of the Thesis}
% Chapter 2
\chapter{Literature Review}\label{ch-lit-rev}
\section{Review of Main Method}
\subsection{Review of Sub Method 1}
\subsection{Review of Sub Method 2}
\section{Challenges in The Method}
% ===========================================
% Chapter 3
% ===========================================
This chapter contains parts of the paper ``How {I} Discovered {America}" published on the Journal (\cite{colu92}).
\chapter{Chapter 3}\label{ch-ga-eoc}
\section{Discovery of America}
\section{Performance of the Proposed Method}
% ===========================================
% Chapter 7
% ===========================================
\chapter{Conclusion and Final Remarks}\label{ch-concl}
\section{Research Contributions}
\item[Obj 1:] \lipsum[1]
\item[Obj 2:] \lipsum[2]
\item[Obj 3:] \lipsum[4]
\item[Obj 4:] \lipsum[5]
\section{Future Challenges}
% or: plain,unsrt,alpha,abbrv,acm,apalike,...