TU Dublin Thesis Template
Paul Laird
Last Updated:
há 6 anos
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Adapted CUED Template

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Adapted CUED Template
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
%Modified for TU Dublin by Paul Laird
% ******************************* Thesis Template **************************
% Please have a look at the README.md file for info on how to use the template
\newcommand\posscite[1]{\citeauthor{#1}'s (\citeyear{#1})}
% ******************************************************************************
% ******************************* Class Options ********************************
% *********************** See README for more details **************************
% ******************************************************************************
% `a4paper'(The University of Cambridge PhD thesis guidelines recommends a page
% size a4 - default option) or `a5paper': A5 Paper size is also allowed as per
% the Cambridge University Engineering Deparment guidelines for PhD thesis
% `11pt' or `12pt'(default): Font Size 10pt is NOT recommended by the University
% guidelines
% `oneside' or `twoside'(default): Printing double side (twoside) or single
% side.
% `print': Use `print' for print version with appropriate margins and page
% layout. Leaving the options field blank will activate Online version.
% `index': For index at the end of the thesis
% `draftclassic': For draft mode without loading any images (same as draft in book)
% `draft': Special draft mode with line numbers, images, and water mark with
% timestamp and custom text. Position of the text can also be modified.
% `abstract': To generate only the title page and abstract page with
% dissertation title and name, to submit to the Student Registry
% `chapter`: This option enables only the specified chapter and it's references
% Useful for review and corrections.
% ************************* Custom Page Margins ********************************
% `custommargin`: Use `custommargin' in options to activate custom page margins,
% which can be defined in the preamble.tex. Custom margin will override
% print/online margin setup.
% *********************** Choosing the Fonts in Class Options ******************
% `times' : Times font with math support. (The Cambridge University guidelines
% recommend using times)
% `fourier': Utopia Font with Fourier Math font (Font has to be installed)
% It's a free font.
% `customfont': Use `customfont' option in the document class and load the
% package in the preamble.tex
% default or leave empty: `Latin Modern' font will be loaded.
% ********************** Choosing the Bibliography style ***********************
% `authoryear': For author-year citation eg., Krishna (2013)
% `numbered': (Default Option) For numbered and sorted citation e.g., [1,5,2]
% `custombib': Define your own bibliography style in the `preamble.tex' file.
% `\RequirePackage[square, sort, numbers, authoryear]{natbib}'.
% This can be also used to load biblatex instead of natbib
% (See Preamble)
% **************************** Choosing the Page Style *************************
% `default (leave empty)': For Page Numbers in Header (Left Even, Right Odd) and
% Chapter Name in Header (Right Even) and Section Name (Left Odd). Blank Footer.
% `PageStyleI': Chapter Name next & Page Number on Even Side (Left Even).
% Section Name & Page Number in Header on Odd Side (Right Odd). Footer is empty.
% `PageStyleII': Chapter Name on Even Side (Left Even) in Header. Section Number
% and Section Name in Header on Odd Side (Right Odd). Page numbering in footer
% Uncomment to change page style
% ********************************** Preamble **********************************
% Preamble: Contains packages and user-defined commands and settings
% ************************ Thesis Information & Meta-data **********************
% Thesis title and author information, refernce file for biblatex
% ***************************** Abstract Separate ******************************
% To printout only the titlepage and the abstract with the PhD title and the
% author name for submission to the Student Registry, use the `abstract' option in
% the document class.
\includeonly{Declaration/declaration, Abstract/abstract}
% ***************************** Chapter Mode ***********************************
% The chapter mode allows user to only print particular chapters with references
% Title, Contents, Frontmatter are disabled by default
% Useful option to review a particular chapter or to send it to supervisior.
% To use choose `chapter' option in the document class
% ******************************** Front Matter ********************************
% *********************** Adding TOC and List of Figures ***********************
% \printnomenclature[space] space can be set as 2em between symbol and description
% ******************************** Main Matter *********************************
% ********************************** Back Matter *******************************
% Backmatter should be commented out, if you are using appendices after References
% ********************************** Bibliography ******************************
% To use the conventional natbib style referencing
% Bibliography style previews: http://nodonn.tipido.net/bibstyle.php
% Reference styles: http://sites.stat.psu.edu/~surajit/present/bib.htm
%\bibliographystyle{unsrt} % Use for unsorted references
%\bibliographystyle{plainnat} % use this to have URLs listed in References
\bibliography{References/references} % Path to your References.bib file
% If you would like to use BibLaTeX for your references, pass `custombib' as
% an option in the document class. The location of 'reference.bib' should be
% specified in the preamble.tex file in the custombib section.
% Comment out the lines related to natbib above and uncomment the following line.
%\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc, title={References}]
% ********************************** Appendices ********************************
\begin{appendices} % Using appendices environment for more functunality
% *************************************** Index ********************************
\printthesisindex % If index is present