% Template file for the submission of papers to IUCr journals in LaTeX2e
% using the iucr document class
% Copyright 1999-2013 International Union of Crystallography
% Version 1.6 (28 March 2013)
\documentclass[preprint]{iucr} % DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE
% Information about journal to which submitted
\journalcode{A} % Indicate the journal to which submitted
% A - Acta Crystallographica Section A
% B - Acta Crystallographica Section B
% C - Acta Crystallographica Section C
% D - Acta Crystallographica Section D
% E - Acta Crystallographica Section E
% F - Acta Crystallographica Section F
% J - Journal of Applied Crystallography
% M - IUCrJ
% S - Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
\begin{document} % DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE
% The introductory (header) part of the paper
% The title of the paper. Use \shorttitle to indicate an abbreviated title
% for use in running heads (you will need to uncomment it).
\title{Title of Paper}
%\shorttitle{Short Title}
% Authors' names and addresses. Use \cauthor for the main (contact) author.
% Use \author for all other authors. Use \aff for authors' affiliations.
% Use lower-case letters in square brackets to link authors to their
% affiliations; if there is only one affiliation address, remove the [a].
\cauthor[a]{Forename}{Surname}{email}{address if different from \aff}
\aff[a]{First affiliation address \country{England}}
\aff[b]{Second affiliation address}
% Use \shortauthor to indicate an abbreviated author list for use in
% running heads (you will need to uncomment it).
%\shortauthor{Soape, Author and Doe}
% Use \vita if required to give biographical details (for authors of
% invited review papers only). Uncomment it.
%\vita{Author's biography}
% Keywords (required for Journal of Synchrotron Radiation only)
% Use the \keyword macro for each word or phrase, e.g.
% \keyword{X-ray diffraction}\keyword{muscle}
% PDB and NDB reference codes for structures referenced in the article and
% deposited with the Protein Data Bank and Nucleic Acids Database (Acta
% Crystallographica Section D). Repeat for each separate structure e.g
% \PDBref[dethiobiotin synthetase]{1byi} \NDBref[d(G$_4$CGC$_4$)]{ad0002}
%\PDBref[optional name]{refcode}
%\NDBref[optional name]{refcode}
Supply a synopsis of the paper for inclusion in the Table of Contents.
Abstract goes here.
% The main body of the paper
% Now enter the text of the document in multiple \section's, \subsection's
% and \subsubsection's as required.
\section{Section title}
Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text.
Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text.
Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text.
% Appendices appear after the main body of the text. They are prefixed by
% a single \appendix declaration, and are then structured just like the
% body text.
\section{Appendix title}
Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text.
Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text.
Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text.
% The back matter of the paper - acknowledgements and references
% Acknowledgements come after the appendices
% References are at the end of the document, between \begin{references}
% and \end{references} tags. Each reference is in a \reference entry.
% \begin{references}
% \reference{Author, A. \& Author, B. (1984). \emph{Journal} \textbf{Vol},
% first page--last page.}
% \end{references}
%% Note added by Overleaf: If using bibtex, remove the "references" environment above, and uncomment the following line.
% Simple tables should use the tabular environment according to this
% model
\caption{Caption to table}
\begin{tabular}{llcr} % Alignment for each cell: l=left, c=center, r=right
entry & entry & entry & entry \\
entry & entry & entry & entry \\
entry & entry & entry & entry \\
% Postscript figures can be included with multiple figure blocks
\caption{Caption describing figure.}
\end{document} % DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE