Sofia University Faculty of Physics Master Thesis Template
Nikolay Petkov
Last Updated
há 3 anos
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A template for a Master thesis in Sofia University.
A template for a Master thesis in Sofia University.
% This bachelor's/master's degree thesis style is based of already applied MS Word template in the
% Faculty of Physics, Department of Meteorology and geophysics of the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski".
% Author: Nikolay Petkov
% Last modified: 26 February 2021
\setcounter{tocdepth}{2} %sections + subsections in the TOC
%Put here the other needed macro packages.
\usepackage{graphicx} %for the raster graphics
\usepackage[warn]{textcomp} %for the degree (\textdegree) and number (\textnumero) sign
\usepackage{hyperref} %for the URLs
\usepackage{hyphenat} %for hyphenation of words containing hyphen
\usepackage{fancyhdr} %for the headers design
top = 1.50cm,
bottom = 1.80cm,
left = 2.50cm,
right = 2.50cm,
includeheadfoot]{geometry} % Use similar margins to the Word Template
% Define the page styles
\fancyhead[C]{\LARGE{\textbf{Софийски Университет "Св. Климент Охридски"}}}
\fancyhead[LE,RO]{Раздел \textbf{\nouppercase{\leftmark}}}
% Begin the actual document
\Huge{\textbf{Физически факултет}}\\
\huge{\textbf{Катедра "Метеорология и Геофизика"}}\\
\Large{\textbf{Специалност: "Астрофизика, метеорология и геофизика",}}\\
\Large{\textbf{Магистърска програма по "Метеорология"}}\\
\Huge{\textbf{Дипломна работа}}\\
\LARGE{\textbf{придобиване на образователно-квалификационна степен "магистър"}}\\
\LARGE{\textbf{Кумчо Вълчо, факултетен \textnumero 000000}}\\
\Huge{\textbf{Тема: Болен здрав носи}}\\
\Large{\textbf{Ръководител катедра:}}\hspace{3cm} \Large{\textbf{Научен ръководител:}}
% Change the \hspace argument depending of the names length.
\Large{\textbf{/Кума Лиса/}}\hspace{4cm} \Large{\textbf{/Зайо Байо/}}
\hspace{5cm}\Large{\textbf{/Eжко Бежко/}}
\Large{София, юни 2021}
% Hence we utilize the article document class and 'Section' higher level partitioning,
% rather than 'report'/'Chapter', \input is more suitable than \include.