Federico Zenith
Last Updated:
há 3 anos
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Poster template for the research institution SINTEF

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\title{The \texttt{sintefposter} class}
\author{Federico Zenith}
\institute{SINTEF Mathematics \& Cybernetics}
% Tip: for long titles, use \parbox{\linewidth}{text}
\block{Abstract}{This is a description of the class to make posters according
to SINTEF's official template.}
\block{Class Description}{
This class is meant to prepare posters for academic conferences, and is
implemented as a reconfiguration of the \texttt{tikzposter} class.
Previous versions derived from \texttt{sciposter}, but it was not practical to
emulate the official SINTEF template from that class when the template finally
came out.
\innerblock{Requirements and Compilation}
{The SINTEF corporate colors are taken from the \texttt{sintefcolor} package,
which is therefore necessary to have together with this class.
The class uses Carlito, a free clone of Calibri, so \texttt{sintefposter} can
be compiled with any \LaTeX\ compiler.}
\innerblock{Class Options and Caveats}
{The main options taken by the class are \texttt{portrait} (default) and
\texttt{landscape}. Please note that the class is still experimental and weird
things may happen, especially if you try to compile for sizes different from A0.
Note especially that the \textcolor{red}{title \emph{will not wrap}} if it is
too long; this is actually a \texttt{tikzposter} problem.
In case of a long title that needs to run over multiple lines, the trick is
simple: write \texttt{\textbackslash title\{\textbackslash
parbox\{\textbackslash linewidth\}\{Your very long title\}\}}.
This is a first version and still somewhat experimental.
Let me know if you find any glaring errors or things you want implemented.
\block{Compilation \emph{will} fail on first attempt with hyperref}{
Due to a bug in \texttt{tikzposter}, compilation will always fail in the
absence of an \texttt{.aux} file, i.e. when compiling for the first time, in
case you included the \texttt{hyperref} package.
Just compile again and things will work fine.
This will eventually be corrected in \texttt{tikzposter}.
{To write sections of text, use the \texttt{\textbackslash
block\{Heading\}\{Text\}} command; inside these blocks, subsections can be
added with \texttt{\textbackslash innerblock\{Heading\}\{Text\}}.
Blocks will by default take the full width of the page if you have not split it
into columns with the \texttt{columns} environment.
Add a \texttt{\textbackslash column\{x\}} command to start writing in a new
column, where \texttt{x} is a number between 0 and 1 whose function you should
be able to guess.
No surprises for adding images, which are probably anyway the thing you should
mostly put in a poster.
{If you want to have a cyan outline for your Conclusion box, as in the
template, you can set the \texttt{framecolor} variable \emph{before} opening
the block:
\textbackslash begingroup\\
\textbackslash colorlet\{framecolor\}\{sintefcyan\}\\
\textbackslash block\{Outline\}\{blah blah\}\\
\textbackslash endgroup
Use \texttt{\textbackslash begingroup} and \texttt{\textbackslash endgroup} to
make the change local and not permanently change the outline colour.
\block{Suggestions \& Links}{
Refer to \texttt{tikzposter}'s manual for how to customise the poster layout.
To insert figures with text wrapped around them, use the \texttt{wrapfig}
For best results in plots, the \texttt{pgfplots} package makes it easy to keep
the same font style and size in plots as in the text.