% Author : Student Development Council , IISERB
% Credits : Ashim Dhor (SDC'22,Data Science and Engineering)
\usepackage{hyperref} % Added hyperref package for clickable links
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\fancyfoot[L]{Your Name} % Your name at the left bottom corner
\fancyfoot[R]{your.email@example.com \vspace{1pt}\rule{\textwidth}{0.4pt}} % Your email with border line above
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\newcommand{\resitem}[1]{\item #1\vspace{-2pt}}
\begin{minipage}{0.97\textwidth}\centering\textbf{#1 \vphantom{p\^{E}}}\end{minipage}%
\begin{tabular*}{6.62in}{l @{\extracolsep{\fill}} r}%
\textbf{#1} & \textit{#2}%
\textbf{\Large{Name}} & \faLinkedin\hspace{0.1cm}\href{https://in.linkedin.com/}{LinkedIn} \\
\textbf{BS / BS-MS} & \faGithub:\href{https://github.com/your-username}{GitHub} \\
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal &
\href{https://www.researchgate.net/profile/your-name}{Research Gate} \\
Phone No.: 123-456-7890 \\
E-mail: \href{mailto:your.email@example.com}{your.email@example.com} \\
\item Passionate about the convergence of Electronics and Computer Science, I am driven to create transformative technologies that shape the future. With a focus on bridging the gap between hardware and software, I specialize in areas such as embedded systems, computer architecture, and algorithm design. My research interests lie at the intersection of these fields, where I investigate innovative solutions to address complex challenges in the realm of cyber-physical systems.
\item \textbf{B.S. Engineering Sciences} \\
Data Science and Engineering \hfill 2021 - Present \\
CPI: X.XX/10 \hfill Bhopal, India
\item \textbf{Higher Secondary / +2} \\
School Name, Delhi \\
Percentage: XX.XX \hfill 2019 – 2021
\item \textbf{Secondary} \\
School Name, Delhi \\
Percentage: XX.XX \hfill 2018 – 2019
\resheading{\textbf{PROJECTS \& CONTRIBUTIONS}}\\
\item \textbf{Project 1} \\
Title \hfill June 2023 - Present
\item \textbf{Project 2} \\
Guide: Prof. \\
Lab Name, IISERB \hfill May 2023 - Present
\item \textbf{Project 3} \\
Guide: \hfill March 2023 - Present
\item \textbf{Project 4} \\
Lab Name, IISER Bhopal \\
Guide: \hfill May 2023 - Present
\item \textbf{Project 5} \\
Title \hfill June 2023 - Present
\resheading{\textbf{TECHNICAL SKILLS}}\\
\item \textbf{Programming and Scripting Languages} \\
\item \textbf{Tools and Libraries} \\
\item \textbf{OS and Software} \\
\resheading{\textbf{ACHIEVEMENTS / AWARDS}}\\
\item \textbf{Achievement 1} \\
Domain \hfill Oct 2018
\item \textbf{Achievement 2} \\
Domain \hfill Sept 2019
\item \textbf{Achievement 3} \\
Domain \hfill Dec 2022
\item \textbf{Achievement 4} \\
Domain \hfill Mar 2023
\resheading{\textbf{POSITIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY}}\\
\item \textbf{Responsibility 1} \\
Council Name \hfill June 2023 - Present
\item \textbf{Responsibility 2} \\
Council Name \hfill 2022-2023
\item \textbf{Responsibility 3} \\
Council Name \hfill Dec 2023
\item \textbf{Responsibility 3} \\
Council Name \hfill Apr 2023
\resheading{\textbf{RESEARCH / PUBLICATIONS}}\\
\item \textbf{Research Title 1} \hfill [timeline]
\item \textbf{Research Title 2} \hfill [timeline]
\item \textbf{Research Title 3} \hfill [timeline]
\item \textbf{Research Title 4} \hfill [timeline]
\item \textbf{Research Title 5} \hfill [timeline]
\resheading{\textbf{WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCES}}\\
\item \textbf{WORKSHOPS 1} \hfill May 2023
\item \textbf{WORKSHOPS 2} \\
Summer School Organized by XXXXXX \hfill May-June 2023
\item \textbf{WORKSHOPS 3} \\
Seminar on "XXXXXXX" \hfill May 2023
\item \textbf{WORKSHOPS 4} \\
Organised By XXXXXX \hfill May-June 2023
\item \textbf{Course 1} \\
Organisation Name \hfill June 2023
\item \textbf{Course 2} \\
Organisation Name \hfill June 2023
\resheading{\textbf{RELEVANT COURSES}}\\
\item \textbf{ECS204}: Signals and Systems \hfill 2022
\item \textbf{ECS203}: Basic Electronics \hfill 2022
\item \textbf{ECS102}: Introduction to Programming \hfill 2022
\item \textbf{ECS201}: Discrete Mathematics \hfill 2022
\resheading{\textbf{EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES}}\\
\item \textbf{Extracurricular Activity 1} \hfill Bhopal, India \\
Organisation Name \hfill May 2023
\item \textbf{Extracurricular Activity 2} \hfill Bhopal, India \\
Organisation Name \hfill June 2023