Start your projects with quality LaTeX templates for journals, CVs, resumes, papers, presentations, assignments, letters, project reports, and more. Search or browse below.
This paper template is used to facilitate the master and doctoral students of Wuhan University of Technology to write their graduation thesis
Version 4.1. 2023. MSc Thesis TEMPLATE for IST (Instituto Superior Técnico) of Universidade de Lisboa.
The template is automated, allowing to chose the language (english/portuguese) and the type of document (draft or final).
The template also includes several timesaving features, such as, Track Changes, Acronyms, Clever Referencing, Algorithmic constructs, Code snippets with syntax highlighting, Glossary and List of Symbols.
The template respects the Master’s Dissertation Regulation of IST of Universidade de Lisboa, as well as well as the Dissertation Guidelines for its Format and Organisation..
This is the template I use for NASA ROSES Proposals that are using Dual-Anonymous Peer Review (DAPR - It represents only my personal interpretation of how an anonymized ROSES proposal should be structured and is no way endorsed by, or affiliated with, NASA. The compiled product is not guaranteed to conform to NASA formatting and content guidelines. Check the current guidebook for proposers and ROSES NRA before using. Note that there are two source files - the (anonymized) main proposal file and a (non-anonymized) expertise and resources file.
LaTeX template for theses at the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (UniNA). More information is available on GitHub: