Start your projects with quality LaTeX templates for journals, CVs, resumes, papers, presentations, assignments, letters, project reports, and more. Search or browse below.
Avant propos : ces exemples de fichiers ont été mis à jour grâce à l'aide précieuse de Gilbert Ritschard. Pour toute question ou remarque n'hésitez pas à nous contacter :
Version 3 2008-05-21
Version 3.1 2012-11-26 Bruno Pinaud
Version 3.1.1 2012-11-27 Gilles Venturini
Version 3.1.2 2013-04-25 Gilles Venturini
Overleaf note: Version 3.1.2 updated in Dec 2016 to fix font/input encoding compatibilty with XeLaTeX
In this sample we describe the formatting requirements for various SIGCHI related submissions and offer recommendations on writing for the worldwide SIGCHI readership. Do not change the page size or page settings. Please review this document even if you have submitted to SIGCHI conferences before, some format details have changed relative to previous years.
LaTeX Template: Curriculum Vitae
Feel free to distribute this template, but please keep the
referal to
Date: July 2011
Version for spanish users, by dgarhdez
How to use writeLaTeX:
You edit the source code here on the left, and the preview on the
right shows you the result within a few seconds.
Bookmark this page and share the URL with your co-authors. They can
edit at the same time!
You can upload figures, bibliographies, custom classes and
styles using the files menu.
If you're new to LaTeX, the wikibook is a great place to start:
A Latex template for the preparation of IAU Symposia Proceedings downloaded from
The package contains: Class File (iau.cls), Instructions, a Sample PDF and a Sample TeX file
Этот шаблон документа разработан в 2014 году
Данилом Фёдоровых (
для использования в курсе
«Документы и презентации в \LaTeX», записанном НИУ ВШЭ
Исходная версия шаблона —
Этот шаблон документа разработан в 2014 году
Данилом Фёдоровых (
для использования в курсе
«Документы и презентации в \LaTeX», записанном НИУ ВШЭ
Исходная версия шаблона —
This is an IEEE based template that can be used for presenting your work on the Open Science Data Cloud. Use it for the PIRE Workshop challenge and other submissions such as the Supercomputing 2014 conference.