%%%%%%%%%%%% Attribution %%%%%%%%%%%%
% This template was created by
% Dr. Mahdi A. Khemakhem at PSAU
% and may be copied and used freely for
% non-commercial purposes.
% 01/15/2023
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% https://math.mit.edu/~psh/exam/examdoc.pdf
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\lfoot{\textit{Final Exam-CS3701-Operation Systems}}
\cfoot{Page \thepage \hspace{1pt} of \pageref{LastPage}}
\rfoot{\textit{Trimester 2, 2022$\slash$2023}}
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%%%%%%% Begin exam questions %%%%%%%
%%Question 1
\question \textbf{Answer the following}
\item Choose the correct answer of the following
\part[1] If $x = 2$ and $y = 5 $, then $x+y$ \\
\choice 2
\CorrectChoice 7
\choice 21
\choice 1
\part[1] If $x = 12$ and $y = 5 $, then $x+y$ \\
\CorrectChoice 17 \\
\choice $\displaystyle 7$ \\
\choice $\displaystyle 21$ \\
\choice $\displaystyle 1$
\part[2] Who invented the pencil
\choice Me
\choice You
\choice They
\choice Him
\CorrectChoice Socrates
\part[2] If $f(x) = \sin(x)$, then $f'(x) = $\fillin.
\part True or False
\part[2] \tf[T] The world is all that is the case.
\part[1] \tf[F] My favorite color is blue.
%%Question 2
\question \textbf{Let $\displaystyle f(x) = \sin(x) + x^2$}
\part[4] Compute $\displaystyle \frac{df}{dx} $.\\
%%%% To add solutions, add the following and uncomment the seconed line
%%%% in the document \documentclass[12pt,addpoints,answers]{exam} % To print with answers
$f'(x) = \cos(x) + 2 x $
\part[5] Compute $\displaystyle\int_0^1 f(x) \, dx$.\\
Put here the answer...
%%Question 3
\question[10] \textbf{Describe the effect of error propagation on numerical results.}\\
%%Question 4
\part[3] What do you do with $f(x) = x$?
\part[3] Is your answer different if $f(x) = \tan(x)$?
%%Question 4
In no more than one paragraph, explain why the earth is round.
%%Question 4
\question Answer the following
\part[1] \label{eqn1}
find $f(2.25)$.
Approximate $f'(0)$.
Approximate $\displaystyle \int_{1}^{5} f(x) \: \text{dx}$.
\part[5] Redo questions \eqref{eqn1}, \eqref{eqn2} and \eqref{eqn3} with $f(1) = 4$ and $f(2) = 5$.
Hope you all the best! \\
Dr. X Y Z, \quad \quad
Dr. M N T}}}