Christian Bock
Last Updated
há 4 anos
Other (as stated in the work)
The non-template for academic CVs in LaTeX. Extremely simple to use and modify by relying on 2 commands and your LaTeX skills only.
The non-template for academic CVs in LaTeX. Extremely simple to use and modify by relying on 2 commands and your LaTeX skills only.
\usepackage[a4paper, total={5.3in, 10in}, top=2cm]{geometry} % width=5.3in, height=10in, top margin=2cm on each page
\usepackage{xcolor} % define some colors
\usepackage{siunitx} % package to properly set units
\usepackage{fontawesome5} % package for icons (see list of available icons here:
\usepackage[super]{nth} % when you write \nth{2} you get a nice superscript
\usepackage[ % coloring of links
colorlinks = true,
linkcolor = highlight,
urlcolor = highlight,
citecolor= highlight
\usepackage{fontspec} % package to change fonts
BoldFont=Cormorant Garamond Bold,
ItalicFont=Cormorant Garamond Italic,
BoldItalicFont=Cormorant Garamond Bold Italic
]{Cormorant Garamond Regular} % Set the main font to Comorant Garamond (
\newfontfamily\GaramondLight{Cormorant Garamond Light}
\newcommand{\highlight}[1]{\textcolor{highlight}{\textbf{#1}}} % highlight text as bold and with the highlight color defined above
\newcommand{\ec}{\textsuperscript{\textdagger}} % Equal contribution dagger
% define the header and (not) footer %
\rhead{Curriculum Vit\ae}
\lhead{Prometheus Fire}
\rfoot{Page \thepage}
\thispagestyle{empty} % Turn off header and footer for the first page
\pagestyle{fancy} % For the rest of the pages switch to the fancy page style defined just above the document begin
%%%%%%%%%%%% TITLE %%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%% EDUCATION %%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%% PUBLICATIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%% HONORS and SCHOLARSHIPS %%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%% SKILLS %%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%% SERVICE %%%%%%%%%%%%
\section{Service To The Scientific Community}
%%%%%%%%%%%% EXTRAS %%%%%%%%%%%%
\section{Extracurricular Activities}