% This structure conforms to the mcgill university wide thesis guidelines:
% https://www.mcgill.ca/gps/thesis/thesis-guidelines/preparation
% Some parts of it were taken from here, but mostly it is a "from scratch" template with minimal bload and fuzz: https://github.com/juliengs/mcgill-thesis-template
% Author: Maximilian Schiedermeier
% enable onehalfspaceing etc
% Make chapter enumeration big and fat
% Enable non-ugly hyperlinks
% Some metadata for your generated PDF
\title{Phd Thesis}
\author{Your-First-Name Your-Family-Name}
% Special command to link to official guidelines:
\newcommand{\mcgillguidelines}{\href{https://www.mcgill.ca/gps/thesis/thesis-guidelines/preparation}{Official McGill Guidelines: }}
% Pages in all "Chapters" before the actual thesis content are enumerated in roman (i, ii, iii, ...)
% Abstracts in English and French
% List of Contributions
% Abstracts in English and French
% Acknowledgements
% Next comes the GENERATED list of contents, figures and tables.
% Here comes the actual thesis content, we switch back to arabic page numbers.
% \pagestyle{fancyplain}
% Intro and literature are mandatory mcgill parts:
% Two sample parts with sample chapters, change this parts as much as your little heart desires:
\part{Why Does the Sun Shine?}
\part{Why Does the Sun Really Shine?}
% more chapters here, you get the idea...
% Finally, as you reach the end of your thesis: (Discussion is a mandatory part, see mcgill guidelines:
% https://www.mcgill.ca/gps/thesis/thesis-guidelines/preparation
\part{Discussion and Conclusions}
% If you want to mention future work, pack it here.
% List of YOUR publications
% Optional: List of Acronyms / Glossary
% Finally your references
% PLEASE use a management system, e.g. Zotero (this works really nice with overleaf, there's seamless referencing of all your organized papers from zotero).
% To add zotero, use "New file -> From Zotero"