Introduction Sheet Template
Caleb McWhorter
Last Updated
há 5 anos
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A template for creating an introduction sheet for students on the first day of class.
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titling, % Specify Title Placement
tikz % Used for Dotted Underlines
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\node[inner sep=1pt,outer sep=0pt] (todotted) {#1};
\draw[dotted] (todotted.south west) -- (todotted.south east);
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% Title
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% Content
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Name: \udot{\phantom{x}\hspace{8cm}\phantom{x}} \par\vspace{0.5cm}
Year: \udot{\phantom{x}\hspace{8.3cm}\phantom{x}} \par\vspace{0.5cm}
Major: \udot{\phantom{x}\hspace{8cm}\phantom{x}} \par\vspace{0.5cm}
When was the last time you took a Mathematics course? What previous Mathematics courses have you taken? \vfill
Have you taken this course before? If so, when? \vfill
What is you reason for taking this course? \vfill
What other courses are you taking, both Mathematics and non-Mathematics? \vfill
Do you like Mathematics? Explain. \vfill
What are your career goals? \vfill
What do you want to get out of this course? \vfill
I learn the most when\dots \vfill
Do you have any gender specific pronouns? \vfill
What might I not know just by looking at you? [For example, fun facts, interesting hobbies, personal stories/history, etc.] \vfill