%% NOTICE: Overleaf free plan is limiting this compilation, so it is better to compile using your own computer
%% TODO: Uncomment the next three lines to add notes to presentation slides
%\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen}
%\setbeamertemplate{note page}{\insertnote}
%% TODO: Put all the figure files inside the images folder
%% TODO: Use \cmark for tick and \xmark for x
%% TODO: Comment the next three lines to remove the bibliography
\usepackage[backend=biber,style=numeric, citestyle=ieee]{biblatex}
%% TODO: Comment the next line if you need the control symbol
\frametitle{Table of Contents}
%% TODO: Add information to the title page
\title{Your thesis title}
\author{Your name \\\textbf{Supervisor:} Your Supervisor \\\textbf{Reviewer:} Your Reviewer}
\institute[SCSE HCMIU - VNUHCM]{
School of Computer Science and Engineering, \\
International University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam \\
Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam}
\date[Thesis Defense]{Thesis Defense \\ Date of the thesis defense}
%% Page number
%% Title frame
%% TODO: You can add the note here
%% ToC frame
\begin{frame}{Table of Contents}
%% TODO: You can add the note here
%% TODO: Make sure to use \alert{} for highlighting keywords, and \cite{} to cite the corresponding quotations
\item This is the first \alert{highlighted keyword} to emphasize an important concept.
\item The second point addresses \alert{another key idea} in \cite{knuth:1984}.
%% TODO: You can add the note here
%% TODO: If you need a button, label the frames accordingly then using \hyperlink{label_of_the_dest_frame}{\beamerbutton{Name of the dest. frame}
\begin{frame}[label=objectives]{Objectives \hyperlink{scope}{\beamerbutton{Scope}}}
\begin{block}{Sample Block Title}
This block presents a \alert{key concept} that is crucial for understanding the topic.
\begin{alertblock}{Sample Alert Block Title}
This block presents a more alarming \alert{key concept} that is crucial for understanding the topic.
%% TODO: You can add the note here
\begin{frame}{Actors \& Features}
%% TODO: You can add the note here
\begin{block}{Scientific Contribution}
\begin{block}{Real-world Contribution}
%% TODO: You can add the note here
\section{Related Work}
%% TODO: Uncomment the next four lines to enable this frame
% \begin{frame}{Advancements}
% %% TODO: You can add the note here
% \note{}
% \end{frame}
\begin{frame}{Research gaps}
\begin{alertblock}{Research gap}
$\Rightarrow$ \textbf{Concluding statement.}
%% TODO: You can add the note here
%% TODO: Uncomment the next four lines to enable this frame
% \begin{frame}{Technical difficulties}
% %% TODO: You can add the note here
% \note{}
% \end{frame}
\section{Proposed Method}
%% TODO: Adjust the size of the figure by using [scale=x] or [widht=.x\linewidth] (x is a fraction) to fit within the frame. Then rename to your picture file name and add the caption
\caption{The caption of the figure.}
%% TODO: You can add the note here
%% TODO: Uncomment the next four lines to enable this frame
% \begin{frame}{Methodology}
% %% TODO: You can add the note here
% \note{}
% \end{frame}
\begin{frame}[label=process1]{\texttt{Sample} Process \hyperlink{algo1}{\beamerbutton{Algorithm}} \hyperlink{pseudocode1}{\beamerbutton{Pseudocode}}}
\item \textbf{Goal:}
\item \textbf{Result:}
\item \textbf{Step:}
\item \textbf{Scope:}
%% TODO: You can add the note here
%% TODO: Add your GitHub repository link here
\textbf{GitHub repository:} \url{}
%% TODO: Add your demo website link here
\textbf{Demo Website:} \url{}
\caption{The caption of the figure.}
\caption{The caption of the figure.}
%% TODO: You can add the note here
%% TODO: Uncomment the next four lines to enable this frame
% \begin{frame}{Benchmark Results}
% %% TODO: You can add the note here
% \note{}
% \end{frame}
%% TODO: Uncomment the next four lines to enable this frame
% \begin{frame}{Analysis}
% %% TODO: You can add the note here
% \note{}
% \end{frame}
$\Rightarrow$ \textbf{Concluding statement.}
%% TODO: You can add the note here
\caption{Comparison of different methods (\protect\cmark: YES, \protect\xmark: NO).}
%% Comment the next line if the table width is relatively small
& \textbf{Your Method} & Method B & Method C & Method D & Method E & Method F \\ \hline
Feature 1 & \cmark & \cmark & \xmark & \cmark & \xmark & \cmark \\
Feature 2 & \cmark & \xmark & \cmark & \cmark & \cmark & \xmark \\
Feature 3 & \xmark & \cmark & \cmark & \xmark & \xmark & \cmark \\
Feature 4 & \cmark & \cmark & \xmark & \xmark & \cmark & \xmark \\
Feature 5 & \xmark & \xmark & \cmark & \cmark & \xmark & \cmark \\
Feature 6 & \cmark & \xmark & \cmark & \xmark & \xmark & \xmark \\ \hline
%%TODO: Also comment this } to match the above command
%% TODO: You can add the note here
%% TODO: Uncomment the next four lines to enable this frame
% \begin{frame}{Summary}
% %% TODO: You can add the note here
% \note{}
% \end{frame}
%% TODO: Uncomment the next four lines to enable this frame
% \begin{frame}{Future works}
% %% TODO: You can add the note here
% \note{}
% \end{frame}
\begin{block}{Process A}
\begin{block}{Scenario 1}
\begin{alertblock}{Scenario 2}
\begin{block}{Process B}
%% TODO: You can add the note here
%% Thank You frame
%% TODO: You can add the note here
%% Appendix frames
\begin{frame}[label=scope]{Scope \hyperlink{objectives}{\beamerbutton{Back to Objectives}}}
%% TODO: You can add the note here
\begin{frame}[label=algo1]{Formalizing - \texttt{Sample} Algorithm \hyperlink{process1}{\beamerbutton{Back to $\texttt{Sample}$ process}}}
\caption{$(\text{Result}) \gets \texttt{Sample}(\text{Input1})$}
\Require $\text{Input1}$ is a predefined parameter.
\State $\text{Set} \gets \emptyset$
\For{$\text{element} \in \text{Input1}$}
\If{$\text{Condition}(\text{element})$ is true}
\State $\text{Set} \gets \text{Set} \cup \{\text{Process}(\text{element})\}$
\State \textbf{continue}
\State $\text{Intermediate} \gets \texttt{Transform}(\text{Set})$
\State \Return $\text{Result}$
%% TODO: You can add the note here
\begin{frame}[label=pseudocode1]{Formalizing - \texttt{Sample} Pseudocode \hyperlink{process1}{\beamerbutton{Back to $\texttt{Sample}$ process}}}
\caption{$(\text{Result}) \gets \texttt{Sample}(\text{Input1})$}
\Require $\text{Input1}$ is a predefined parameter.
\State $\text{Set} \gets \emptyset$
\For{$\text{element} \in \text{Input1}$}
\If{$\text{Condition}(\text{element})$ is true}
\State $\text{Set} \gets \text{Set} \cup \{\text{Process}(\text{element})\}$
\State \textbf{continue}
\State $\text{Intermediate} \gets \texttt{Transform}(\text{Set})$
\State \Return $\text{Result}$
%% TODO: You can add the note here
%% TODO: Uncomment the next four lines to enable this frame
% \begin{frame}{System architecture}
% %% TODO: You can add the note here
% \note{}
% \end{frame}
%% TODO: Uncomment the next four lines to enable this frame
% \begin{frame}{Tech strategy choices}
% %% TODO: You can add the note here
% \note{}
% \end{frame}
\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks, noframenumbering]{References}