Mike Jones, , AKA Grey Wolf
Last Updated
há 4 anos
Other (as stated in the work)
A Beamer theme for LaTeX presentations using the Scout Brand.
A Beamer theme for LaTeX presentations using the Scout Brand.
%% Copyright 2020 Mike Jones, <>
%% AKA Grey Wolf <>
%% [23rd Manchester (Birch with Fallowfield)]
%% Scout Membership number: 12114313
% This file is part of Grey Wolf's Scouts Beamer Theme.
% Grey Wolf's Scouts Beamer Theme is free software: you can redistribute
% it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
% as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
% License, or (at your option) any later version.
% Grey Wolf's Scouts Beamer Theme is distributed in the hope that it will
% be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
% General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with Grey Wolf's Scouts Beamer Theme. If not, see
% <>.
% I've put some non-scout related preamble specific to this demo
% in the file oddsAndEnds.tex. For example code to markup bash scripts.
\usetheme{scouts}% Grey Wolf's Scouts Beamer Theme creates by Mike Jones
% The optional `\author` macro defines the author and is displayed
% in the slide produced by the `\titlepage` command.
\author{Grey Wolf}
% The optional `\institute` macro defines the author and is displayed
% in the slide produced by the `\titlepage` command. It also provides
% the default text for the macro \logoslide.
% The optional `\title` macro defines the title and is displayed
% in the slide produced by the `\titlepage` command. The '\title'
% will be shown in the headline at the top left of all other slides
% unless disabled by the \NNNNNN macro.
\title{Do~more. Share~more. Be~more.}
% The '\subtitle' macro, if specified, will add a smaller subtitle
% below the main one, and will not be displayed in any of the other slides.
% NB this additional to and not in the published Scouts PPT Template
%\subtitle{Subtitle goes here if needed}
% Optional `\date` macro will display a custom free text date on the
% all of the slides' footer. If omitted today's date will be used.
What follows is a test, a demonstration, an exploration and some documentation about how to use this Beamer template/theme. It is split into separate parts (listed below) and covers why I created this theme,\footnote{In \LaTeX{}'s Beamer document class, a theme is essentially a template.} how to use it, a reproduction of the Scout Branding Centre's Powerpoint slides, some test slides and an example walkthrough from the Beamer documentation.
\frame{\frametitle{What's Coming up...}\tableofcontents[onlyparts]}
\title{Do~more. Share~more. Be~more.}
\part{How did this template come about?}
\title{Code more. Share~more. Free~software.}
\part{Using the theme}
\title{Do~more. Share~more. Be~more.}
\part{Recreating the Scout Branding Centre's PPT/POT template using this Beamer theme.}
\input{scouttemplate} % Attempt to follow Scouts PPTx slide template
\title{Do~more. Share~more. RGB~more.}
\part{Testing the colours}
\input{colours} % Basic unit tests with different Scout Colours
\title{Do~more. Share~more. BC~more.}
\part{Recreating the Beamer example Euclid’s Presentation in this theme}
\input{euclid} % Attempt to follow beamer's example setup from manual
\title{Do more. Cycle more. Be more.}
\part{Highway Code Example}
\graphicspath{{Motivation/Signs/}{Motivation/Signs/extra/}{Signs/}} % Where are my signs
\section{That's all folks!}
\frame{The images in this presentation are Crown Copyright and are licenced for use in this scout quiz context.}