% set margins
% set leading to 1.5
% change bullet points to dashes
% bibliography
% algorithms and list of algorithms
\DeclareCaptionType{code}[Algorithm][List of Algorithms]
% figures and list of figures
\graphicspath{ {./img/} }
% tables
% other
% custom command for printing a date in the format dd.mm.yyyy
\def\twodigits#1{\ifnum#1<10 0\fi\the#1}
\title{Thesis title}
\author{Name Surname}
\date{\L{}\'od\'z, \mydate}
% header and footer
% \fancyhead{}
% \fancyhead[RO,LE]{Thesis Title}
% \fancyfoot{}
% \fancyfoot[LE,RO]{\thepage}
% \fancyfoot[LO,CE]{Chapter \thechapter}
% \fancyfoot[CO,RE]{Author Name}
% main text
% title page
% to modify the contents of the title page go to titlepage.tex file
\chapter{Acronyms and Symbols}