FIT CTU dissertation template
Ondrej Guth
Last Updated
há 8 anos
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Šablona dizertační práce FIT ČVUT
original location
Šablona dizertační práce FIT ČVUT
original location
%% History:
% Ondrej Guth (01.05.2015)
% Josef Hlavac & Tomas Zahradnicky (4.10.2010)
% + Built on the FEL CVUT template by Daniel Sykora and Pavel Tvrdik
% + Made for FIT CVUT
% + Joined several chapters and cleaned
% + Undefined references are typeset in an orange box to alert the writer!
% + Index is automatically printed if the \usepackage{index} and
% \newindex{default}{idx}{ind}{Index} lines are uncommented.
\documentclass[12pt,twoside,a4paper,final]{memoir}%two-page printing
%\usepackage{epic} % Images drawn in Xfig, exported as .epic
% \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} %hyperlinks without colour boxes
% \usepackage[usenames]{color}
% \usepackage{tikz}
% \usepackage{algpseudocode}
% \renewcommand{\algorithmicrequire}{\textbf{Input:}}
% \renewcommand{\algorithmicensure}{\textbf{Output:}}
% \usepackage{rotating}
% \usepackage{subfigure}
% \usepackage{multirow}
nonumberlist, %do not show page numbers
acronym, %generate acronym listing -> Not used in this example (see line with %%% )
% notoc, %show listings as entries in table of contents
] %use section level for toc entries
\input tex/phdmacro.tex %couple of macros for formatting the dissertation thesis,
%your personal and specific macros can be placed also there
% fix TOC in memoir class
\newcommand\FirstandFamilyName{YOUR NAME}
\newcommand\Month{Prague, September}
\newcommand\Supervisor{prof. PETER SUPERVISOR, Ph.D.}
Department of Theoretical Computer Science\\
%Department of Digital Design\\
%Department of Software Engineering\\
% Department of Computer Systems\\
Faculty of Information Technology\\
Czech Technical University in Prague\\
Th\'akurova 9\\
160 00 Prague 6\\
Czech Republic}
%%-> uncomment if you have a thesis co-supervisor
%\newcommand\CoSupervisor{prof. RNDr. COSUPERVISOR, Ph.D.}
%Computer Science and Engineering Department\\
%Faculty of Electrical Engineering\\
%Czech Technical University in Prague\\
%Karlovo n\'{a}m.~13\\
%121 35 Prague 2\\
%Czech Republic}
\newcommand\Department{Department of Theoretical Computer Science}
%\newcommand\Department{Department of Digital Design}
%\newcommand\Department{Department of Software Engineering}
% \newcommand\Department{Department of Computer Systems}
\newcommand\Faculty{Faculty of Information Technology}
\newcommand\University{Czech Technical University in Prague}
\newcommand\Address{Th\'akurova 9, 160 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic}
\newacronym{DFA}{DFA}{deterministic finite automaton}
\newacronym{NFA}{NFA}{nondeterministic finite automaton}
\newacronym{FA}{FA}{finite automaton}
% \includeonly{
% tex/abstract
% ,tex/acknowledgement
% ,tex/introduction
% ,tex/stateoftheart
% ,tex/conclusions
% }
% allow @ to appear in macro names
% \makeatletter
% % produce undefined references in an orange box rather than just ??
% \def\@setref#1#2#3{%
% \ifx#1\relax
% \protect\G@refundefinedtrue
% \nfss@text{\reset@font\bfseries\fcolorbox{black}{Orange}{??}}%
% \@latex@warning{Reference `#3' on page \thepage \space
% undefined}%
% \else
% \expandafter#2#1\null
% \fi}
% \newpage
% \newpage
% \newpage
% \newpage\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{}{List of Figures}}
% \newpage\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{}{List of Tables}}
% \newpage\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{}{List of Algorithms}}
% \newpage\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{}{Definitions, Notations and Abbreviations}}\input{tex/definitions.tex}
% \newpage
% \mainbodystarts
%\part{The Parameter Extraction Methodology}
% Chapters start here
% Use bibtex to produce bibliography used in the thesis, except for your own publications
% \cleardoublepage\phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{}{Bibliography}}
% list your own books or papers in refereed journals or conference proceedings
% or chapters in scientific monographies that are RELEVANT FOR YOUR THESIS
\renewcommand\bibname{Reviewed Publications of the Author Relevant to the Thesis}
% \cleardoublepage\phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{}{Reviewed Relevant Publications of the Author}}
\begin{thebibliography}{A.9}%here fill-in the longest label in the list of your publications
% \bibauthor{ID}. Cite as \cite{ID}.
Gortz, R.; T\"ol\"ok\"o, F.
\newblock On the Carpathian Castle.
\newblock In: \textit{Transylvanian Journal of \dots}.
\newblock Werst, Romania,
\newblock 2010.
% nepovinny blok s citaci:
% *************
\bigskip \\ \smallskip The paper has been cited in:
\item Nov\'ak\r{u}, \v{S}. Carpathian Castle Revealed. \textit{International Symposium on Carpathian Legends}. 1:319--323, 2010.
% *************
\renewcommand\bibname{Remaining Publications of the Author Relevant to the Thesis}
% \cleardoublepage\phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{}{Remaining Relevant Publications of the Author}}
\begin{thebibliography}{A.9}%here fill-in the longest label in the list of your publications
Gortz, R.
\newblock \textit{MINIMUM TITLE}.
\newblock Ph.D. Minimum Thesis, Faculty of Information Technology,
\newblock Prague, Czech Republic,
\newblock 2010.
% nepovinny blok s citaci:
% *************
\bigskip \\ \smallskip The paper has been cited in:
\item L\'ef\`evre, \c{C}. \textit{Le Ch\^ateau des Carpathes : Le fin alternatif d\'ecouvert~!}, \dots.
\item Q. Ma\~nana. \dots
\item H. Erd\H{o}s. \dots
\item \r{A}. S\o renson. \dots
% *************
\renewcommand\bibname{Remaining Publications of the Author}
% \cleardoublepage\phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{}{Remaining Publications of the Author}}
\begin{thebibliography}{A.9}%here fill-in the longest label in the list of your publications
Gortz, R.
\newblock Another publication.
\newblock \textit{36\textsuperscript{th} International Conference on \dots}. pp. 19--24, \v{S}trbsk\'e pleso, Slovak Republic,
\newblock 2010.
% % Add the index if it is requested above
% \ifx\printindex\undefined\relax\else\cleardoublepage\phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{}{Index}}\fi
% \ifx\printindex\undefined\relax\else\printindex\fi