DTU Beamer
DTU LaTeX support
Last Updated
há 5 anos
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Created from:
% Default packages
% Font selection
% Latin Modern
% Verdana font type
% Helvetica
% Times (text and math)
%\usepackage{newtx, newtxmath}
% Nice font combination
%\usepackage{mathptmx} % math
%\usepackage{sourcesanspro} % sans-serif
\usepackage{charter} % serif
% Use DTU theme, see below for options
\title[DTU Templates]{DTU Beamer Template}
\author{Remus M. Prunescu}
\institute{\LaTeX\ Support Group, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)}
\newcommand{\tabitem}{{\color{dtured}$\bullet$} }
\section{User Guide}
\subsection{Package Options}
\frametitle{Package Options}
\tabitem aqua & DTU Aqua\\
\tabitem byg & DTU Civil Engineering\\
\tabitem compute & DTU Compute\\
\tabitem elektro & DTU Electrical Engineering\\
\tabitem energikonvertering & DTU Energy Conversion\\
\tabitem fotonik & DTU Fotonik\\
\tabitem fysik & DTU Physics\\
\tabitem food & DTU Food\\
\tabitem kemi & DTU Chemistry\\
\tabitem kemiteknik & DTU Chemical Engineering
\tabitem management & DTU Management Engineering\\
\tabitem mekanik & DTU Mechanical Engineering\\
\tabitem miljo & DTU Environment Engineering\\
\tabitem nanotek & DTU Nanotech\\
\tabitem space & DTU Space\\
\tabitem systembiologi & DTU Systems Biology\\
\tabitem transport & DTU Transport\\
\tabitem vaterinaerinstituttet & DTU Vet\\
\tabitem vindenergi & DTU Wind Energy
\tabitem false & Remove section from above frame title\\
\tabitem true (default) & Display section above frame title
\subsection{Date Format}
\frametitle{Date Format}
\begin{block}{Default Date Format}
\begin{block}{Customize Date Format}
Place the following code snippet in the preamble:
\texttt{\textbackslash newdateformat\{myDateFormat\}\{\textbackslash THEDAY-\textbackslash THEMONTH-\textbackslash THEYEAR\}}
\texttt{\textbackslash renewcommand\{\textbackslash DTUDateFormat\}\{\textbackslash myDateFormat\}}
\item Notice
\item the
\item red
\item bullet
\item Wow
\item numbered
\item list
\begin{block}{Cool block}
Get nice visual effects by organizing content into \textbf{blocks}. Title background color matches the red from DTU logo.
\caption{Not a regular table. Content is aligned with respect to the decimal symbol.}
{Some Values} \\
2.3456 \\
34.2345 \\
-6.7835 \\
90.473 \\
5642.5 \\
1.2e3 \\
e4 \\
Stunt your colleagues with amazing plots (pgfplots).
title={Model Validation},
\addplot {-x^5 - 242};
\addplot coordinates {
\subsection{Frame Numbers}
\frametitle{Frame number instead of page number}
\item<1-> Watch the frame number.
\item<2-> It doesn't change!
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=black} % Background color
\frametitle{Hello Blackness}
Here is another frame style!
\section{Final Remarks}
\item You can set whatever font you like in the preamble. E.g.:
\item \texttt{\textbackslash usepackage\{lmodern\} \% Latin Modern}
\item \texttt{\textbackslash usepackage\{helvet\} \% Helvetica}
\item \texttt{\textbackslash usepackage\{verdana\} \% Verdana}
\item \texttt{\textbackslash usepackage\{newtx, newtxmath\} \% Times (text and math)}
\item DTU recommends Verdana but this font type is not available by default on all operating systems:
\item Windows: include the \texttt{verdana} package in the preamble and MiKTeX will do the rest;
\item Linux and OS X: before including the \texttt{verdana} package in your preamble, run the \texttt{install\_fonts.sh} script from our package.
%=== Define the contact details
\newcommand\contactTable{ %
\multicolumn{2}{l}{Your Name} \\
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\LaTeX\ Support Group, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)} \\ \midrule
Building 308, Room 119 & latex-support@student.dtu.dk. \\
2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark & +45 4525 phone \\
http://www.latex.dtu.dk & +45 4525 fax
\frame[dtuwhitelogo, bgfilename=dtu_bg_fiber]{
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[fill=black, fill opacity=0.9,
text=white, text opacity=1.0,
rounded corners=5pt,
font=\scriptsize] at (current page.center) {\contactTable};
\frame[dtuwhitelogo, bgfilename=dtu_bg_nano]{
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[fill=black, fill opacity=0.9,
text=white, text opacity=1.0,
rounded corners=5pt,
font=\scriptsize] at (current page.center) {\contactTable};
\frame[dtuwhitelogo, bgfilename=dtu_bg_pink]{
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[fill=white, fill opacity=0.8,
text=black, text opacity=1.0,
rounded corners=5pt,
font=\scriptsize] at (current page.center) {\contactTable};
File bugs and feature requests at \url{http://gitlab.gbar.dtu.dk/latex/dtutemplates/issues}
\frametitle{Release History}
\item Frame number instead of page number.
\item Long titles are displayed correctly in the footer;
\item Department logos have the correct RGB color;
\item The aspect ratio of the slides can be changed using beamer options.
\item Fonts options;
\item Poster template;
\item Frame backgrounds;
\item Black frames with white logo;
\item Address boxes.
\item New logos for \texttt{vindenergi} and \texttt{kemiteknik}.
\item Date format is now customizable.
\item \texttt{dtuletter} template included;
\item Package name changed to \texttt{dtutemplates}.