Computer Science and Information Systems (ComSIS)
ComSIS Editorial Staff
Last Updated
há 2 anos
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
LaTeX template for journal Computer Science and Information Systems,
%% Necessary definitions for the running heads
\def\journalissue{Computer Science and Information Systems 00(0):0000--0000}
%% Use this to show line numbers (and remove only in the final camera-ready version)
\title{The Long Title of Your Computer Science\\and Information Systems Paper%
\footnote{If this is an extended version of a conference paper, it should be clearly stated here.}}
%% Use this if the title is too long for the running heads
\titlerunning{Short Title of ComSIS Paper}
\author{First Author\inst{1} \and Second Author\inst{2}}
%% Use this the list of authors is too long for the running heads
%\authorrunning{First Author et al.}
\institute{Institute of the First Author\\
Faculty of the Second Author\\
The abstract goes here, and keywords in a new paragraph.
\vspace{6pt}\textbf{Keywords:} keyword1, keyword2.
The text of the paper\dots
A citation~\cite{ConferencePaper}.
%% For the final version of the paper: %%
%% Author information
%\textbf{Author One} is\dots
%\textbf{Author Two} is\dots
%\textbf{Author Three} is\dots
%% Reception and acceptance information
%\paragraph{Received: Month DD, 20YY; Accepted: Month DD, 20YY.}