% better accented letters and ligatures in PDF
% set language of outputs
% PDF hyperlinks and metadata
% higher quality variant of Computer Modern
% title and author
\title{BookML template}
% additional BookML and LaTeXML functionality
% additional versions of the document (e.g. large print) for inclusion in the HTML output
\bmlAltFormat{\jobname.pdf}{PDF (serif)} % this version is always included unless it's given an empty name
\bmlAltFormat{\jobname-sans.pdf}{PDF (sans serif)}
\bmlAltFormat{\jobname-sans-large.pdf}{PDF (sans, large)}
% simple way of generating a large print PDF (~19% bigger) without changing pagination
\ifcsname bmlCrop\endcsname\usepackage{crop}\fi
% short text description used for PDF and SCORM metadata
\hypersetup{pdfsubject={Empty template for use with BookML.}}
You can use this template in the following ways:
\item Replace the content of \texttt{template.tex} with your content. To change the file names in the output, rename:
\item \texttt{template.tex} to \texttt{NAME.tex},
\item \texttt{template-sans.tex} to \texttt{NAME-sans.tex} (and adjust its content),
\item \texttt{template-sans-large.tex} to \texttt{NAME-sans-large.tex} (and adjust its content).
\item Add \LaTeX{} files to the same folder containing \texttt{template.tex}. Any files containing the string \verb|\documentclass| (even commented out) will be compiled separately. You may delete \texttt{template.tex} and accompanying \texttt{sans} and \texttt{sans-large} files if you are not using them.
In all cases, consult \texttt{template.tex} for how to use more advanced BookML functionality (such as providing large print PDFs or setting additional PDF and SCORM metadata).
For use with Overleaf (requires paid account):
\item Upload the template to a new Overleaf project. Ensure that the \texttt{.github} folder is also included.
\item From the Overleaf menu, sync the project with a new (private) GitHub repository. After one or two minutes, you will receive an email announcing that the repository has a new a release containing the various BookML outputs. Follow the link in the email to download them.
\item Every time you sync your Overleaf changes to GitHub, a new build will start and generate a new release.
\item For a moderate speed up, replace \texttt{bookml:latest} with one of
\item \texttt{bookml-basic:latest},
\item \texttt{bookml-small:latest},
\item \texttt{bookml-medium:latest},
in the file \texttt{.github/workflows/bookml.yaml}. This will download smaller \TeX{} Live images containing fewer packages.
% footer for HTML output (will not appear in the PDF)
Copyright \copyright{} 2024 Author. Compiled with BookML \BookMLversion.
% copyright notice for PDF output
{\small Copyright \copyright{} 2024 Author. Compiled with BookML \BookMLversion.}