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\setlength{\cftbeforeloftitleskip}{5pt} % LOF: Listing of Figures
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\def\TITLE{A Cool Title}
\def\SUBHEADING{A Thesis subtitle}
\def\AUTHOR{FirstName MiddleName(s) LastName(s)}
\def\LEVEL{Master's Thesis}
\def\PROGRAMME{MEng in Big Data Analytics}
\def\UNIVERSITY{Arcada University of Applied Sciences}
\def\IDENTIFICATION{Write identification number}
\def\SUPERVISOR{Ludwig Von Drake}
\def\COMMISSIONEDBY{Company's name}
\def\KEYWORDS{Ducks, Birds, Hawks}
Write a summary of your whole thesis work here. The text should be able to stand on its own, and should therefore be logical and well-structured. Regardless of the reader’s expertise, the text should provide a clear and factual account of what was done, which methods were used, and what results were obtained. Do not include in the abstract any information that is not found in the main text. Exclude any unnecessary explanation or padding. The abstract describes the subject area, the topic, the aim of the study, the research questions, the limitations, the material, the methods, the main theories and references, and the main results and conclusions. The text comprises 200–300 words, often written as one paragraph. It is written in the present or past tense and forms a whole, which can stand on its own without being dependent on the main text. Below the text, write some keywords; 4–8 relevant words that provide a hint on what the thesis is about. If the thesis is commissioned by a company, include the company’s name in the keywords.
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\input{1-Abbreviations} % you can comment on this if it is not necessary
\cleardoublepage % also this one
\addtocounter{table}{-1} % comment if the table numbers start with 0 instead of 1
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