% --------------------------------- preamble -----------------------------------
% To compile this document on your machine, run the following commands in the
% terminal:
% pdflatex main
% biber main
% makeglossaries main
% pdflatex main
% pdflatex main
% In Overleaf, just click "Compile" once.
% You can add options by entering text between the square brackets (`[]`).
% Use the `noul` option if there is a conflict with the `\ul` command.
% Use the `internal` option for a prospectus or graduate research paper.
% Use the `review` option when sending to committee members for review.
% Use the `style` option to customize citation: `style=ieee`.
% NOTE: The following macros are the meta data of your document, like the title,
% author, and department. Some of these apply to the whole document. Some, like
% in the section after this, apply to the SF 298 form only. Several are
% commented out because they are probably not needed for your situation.
% Main document information
\title{Great Contribution to the Field of Things}
\author{John Smith}
% \authorsecond{} % Use these if other students contributed.
% \authorthird{}
% \authorfourth{}
\rank{First Lieutenant, USAF}
% \ranksecond{} % Use these if other students contributed.
% \rankthird{}
% \rankfourth{}
\newdegree{Master of Science in Electrical Engineering}
\graduationdate{March 2025} % expected month and year
\department{\ENG} % \ENY, \ENG, \ENP, \ENC, \ENS, or \ENV
% \doctype{dissertation} % Default is "thesis"
\docdesignator{AFIT-ENG-MS-XX-X-XXX} % provided by AFIT
% \address{} % default is WPAFB
% \disclaimer{} % default distances the AF from the views of the paper
% \copyrightstatement{} % default claims ownership by US government
\committee{ % rank name, Ph.D. \\ role
{Albert Einstein, Ph.D.\\Chair},
{Lt Col Michael Faraday, Ph.D.\\Member},
{Maj Carl F. Gauss, M.S.\\Member}}
\abstract{Write your abstract here. This text should probably stay under 100
words or so. Make sure to not put any personally-identifiable information
about others in this text.}
\keywords{earth; water; air; fire}
\dedication{To the one who loves me most.}
\acknowledgments{I would like to thank the entire committee for your great
% Distribution and Control. Uncomment to specify.
% \cui{ % for Controlled Unclassified Information
% Controlled By: AETC \\
% Controlled By: AFIT/ENG \\
% CUI Category(ies): PRVCY \\
% Distribution: \DistB{CATEGORY}{DATE}{OFFICE} \\
% POC: John Smith, 555-123-4567}
% \classified{ % for classified work
% Classified By: \\
% Derived From: \\
% Declassify On: }
% \banner{cui} % goes in the header and footer
% SF 298 (Report Documentation Page) information
\sfStartDate{Sep 2023}
\sfEndDate{Mar 2024}
Building XXX, WPAFB OH 45433-7765\\
DSN XXX-XXXX, COMM 937-XXX-XXXX, Email: first.last@us.af.mil }
\sfResponsiblePerson{Dr. Your Advisor, AFIT/ENG}
\sfPhoneNumber{(937) XXX-XXXX}
% SF 298 Override default variables
% \sfReportDate{} % defaults to today's date
% \sfReportType{} % defaults to \doctype{}
% \sfTitle{} % defaults to \title{}
% \sfAuthors{} % defaults to \author{}, \rank{}
% \sfDepartment{} % defaults to \department{}
% \sfAddress{} % defaults to \address{}
% \sfDocDesignator{} % defaults to \docdesignator{}
% \sfAbstract{} % defaults to \abstract{}
% \sfSubjectTerms{} % defaults to \keywords{}
% \sfPageCount{} % defaults to total number of pages
% Glossaries and acronyms
\makeglossaries % Must come before new entries.
% Example glossary and acronym definitions.
\newglossaryentry{latex}{ name=latex,
description={Is a markup language specially suited
for scientific documents} }
\newglossaryentry{maths}{ name=mathematics,
description={Mathematics is what mathematicians do} }
\newglossaryentry{formula}{ name=formula,
description={A mathematical expression}}
\newacronym{gcd}{GCD}{Greatest Common Divisor}
\newacronym{lcm}{LCM}{Least Common Multiple}
% NOTE: Google "Overleaf Getting started with BibLaTeX" for guidance.
\addbibresource{refs.bib} % Name of the bibliography file
% Define the default location to look for figures.
% ------------------------------ body of paper ---------------------------------
\maketitle % Creates all the prefatory pages.
% Example using acronymns and glossaries
The \Gls{latex} typesetting markup language is specially suitable for
documents that include \gls{maths}. \Glspl{formula} are rendered properly an
easily once one gets used to the commands. Given a set of numbers, there are
elementary methods to compute its \acrlong{gcd}, which is abbreviated
\acrshort{gcd}. This process is similar to that used for the \acrfull{lcm}.
\appendix % Necessary before any appendix chapters
% Acronyms and glossary
% Print acronyms
% Print glossary
% Bibliography
%\nocite{*} % Uncomment to print all .bib entries, regardless of citation.
\printbibliography % Prints the bibliography.
% Optional biography
\begin{vita} % Add name within brackets for multiple vitas: \begin[name]{vita}.
If you are adding a description about yourself. Use the \verb|vita|
environment. Keep the contents to one page. If for some reason there is
more than one author contributing to this paper, each author should have a
separate page.
% Standard Form 298