% Submission slip by Nathanael Farley
% Source: https://github.com/nasfarley88/student-marking-slip
% Released under the MIT license (MIT)
% Name of the module
\newcommand\modulename{Temperature and Matter}
% Disclaimer
\newcommand\disclaimer{The attached work which is submitted for assessment, represents my own effort. I have not copied from anyone else.}
% Uncomment for sans font
% \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}
% \renewcommand\textsc[1]{\uppercase{#1}}
% Size of the box we are working in
% limits of the smaller box
% To make the default font very readable
% hopefully to prevent extra space between slips
% For loop is for multiple slips
\draw [white] (0,0) -- (\x,\y); % the dimensions of this box
\draw [dashed] (1.5,0) -- (1.5,\y) node [midway,sloped,above] {\footnotesize \textsc{Staple twice to the left of this line}};
\draw (\x/2,0.5) node {\large Physics Problem Sheet};
\draw (\x/2,1.05) node {\huge \textsc{\modulename}};
% beware: magic numbers here
\draw (\x/2,2.05) node {\parbox[c][2\baselineskip][t]{15cm}{\disclaimer}};
\draw (\x/2,3.2) node {\parbox[c][2\baselineskip][t]{15cm}{Your name (\textsc{block capitals})\dotfill}};
\draw (\x/2,4.2) node {\parbox[c][2\baselineskip][t]{15cm}{Signature\dotfill}};
\draw (\x/2,5.2) node {%
\parbox[c][2\baselineskip][t]{9.2cm}{Personal tutor\dotfill\hspace*{1ex}}%
\parbox[c][2\baselineskip][t]{5.8cm}{Date \dotfill}
\draw (\xright+1.5+0.4,\y/2+0.4) node{\Huge 10};
\draw (\xright+1.5-0.7,\y/2+0.7) -- (\xright+1.5+0.7,\y/2-0.7);
\draw (\xright+1.5,\y/2+1.1) node {\Large \textsc{total}};
\draw [loosely dotted] (0,\y+0.15) -- (\x,\y+0.15);
\draw [loosely dotted] (0,0-0.15) -- (\x,0-0.15);
% \draw [loosely dotted] (0,0) -- (\x,0);