%\title{Map of scientific interactions of researchers affiliated in 2008 to the J.-V. Poncelet laboratory}
% From http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/scientific-interactions/
% Author : Andrei Sobolevski (April 2009)
% License : Creative Commons attribution license
% Title : Map of scientific interactions of researchers
% affiliated in 2008 to the J.-V. Poncelet laboratory
% (UMI 2615 CNRS, http://www.poncelet.ru)
% Notes : Produced for the 2008 annual report of the lab;
% layout of subnodes is a result of manual optimization
% Tags : mindmap, layers
% Submitted to TeXample.net on 16 January 2010
:Title: Scientific interactions
Map of scientific interactions of researchers
affiliated in 2008 to the J.-V. Poncelet laboratory
(UMI 2615 CNRS, `<http://www.poncelet.ru>`_)
level 1 concept/.append style={level distance=130,sibling angle=30},
extra concept/.append style={color=blue!50,text=black}]
% Applied area: computer science and its subfields
\begin{scope}[mindmap, concept color=orange, text=white]
\node [concept] {Informatique}[clockwise from=-5]
child {node [concept] (log) {M{\'e}thodes cat{\'e}goriques}}
child {node [concept] (alg) {Algorithmique}}
child {node [concept] (cod) {Compression \& transmission}}
child {node [concept] (img) {Tra{\^i}tement des images}}
child {node [concept] (opt) {Optimisation}}
child {node [concept] (res) {R{\'e}seaux}};
% Applied area: theoretical physics and its subfields
\begin{scope}[mindmap, concept color=red,text=white]
\node [concept] at (-5,-15) {Physique}
child [grow=-10, level distance=160]
{node [concept] (qin) {Calcul quantique}}
child [grow=20]
{node [concept] (csm) {Astronomie \& cosmologie}}
child [grow=110]
{node [concept] (mat) {Mati{\`e}re condens{\'e}e}};
% Applied area: biology and its subfields
\begin{scope}[mindmap, concept color=green!50!black,text=white]
\node [concept] at (6.5,-15) {Biologie}
child [grow=165, level distance=120]
{node [concept] (med) {M{\'e}decine}}
child [grow=60]
{node [concept] (gen) {G{\'e}nomique}};
% Applied area: economics (one subfield)
\begin{scope}[mindmap, concept color=violet, text=white]
\node [concept] at (11,-14) {{\'E}conomie}
child [grow=70, level distance=120]
{node [concept] (dec) {Choix \& prise de d{\'e}cision}};
% Researchers listed by their main specialization in mathematics
\begin{scope}[mindmap, concept color=blue]
% Combinatorics and discrete mathematics
\node [concept, text=white] at (5.2,-10.8)
{Combinatoire \& math{\'e}matiques discr{\`e}tes}
[clockwise from=150]
child [concept color=blue!50] {node [concept] (ver) {Vereschagin}}
child [concept color=blue!50, level distance=125]
{node [concept] (kab) {Kabatyanski, Tsfasman, Rybakov, Zykin}}
child [concept color=blue!50]
{node [concept] (kch) {Kucherov, Roytberg}}
child [concept color=blue!50] {node [concept] (raf) {Raffinot}}
child [concept color=blue!50, level distance=135]
{node [concept] (ksh) {Koshevoy}};
% Partial differential equations
\node [concept, text=white] at (-3,-11)
{Equations aux d{\'e}riv{\'e}es partielles
\& m{\'e}thodes num{\'e}riques}
child [concept color=blue!50, grow=0, level distance=140]
{node [concept] (lhc) {Loh{\'e}ac}}
child [concept color=blue!50, grow=60, level distance=115]
{node [concept] (otr) {OTARIE (Sobolevski)}}
child [concept color=blue!50, grow=95] {node [concept] (ndr)
% Probability
\node [concept, text=white] at (-7.2,-3.2) {Probabilit{\'e}s}
child [concept color=blue!50, grow=-70, level distance=120]
{node [concept] (rbk) {Rybko}};
% Logic
\node [concept, text=white] at (11.5,-5) {Logique}
child [concept color=blue!50, grow=165, level distance=120]
{node [concept] (sht) {Shehtman}};
% Connections of researchers to applied subfields
\path (kab) to[circle connection bar] (cod);
\path (kch) to[circle connection bar] (alg);
\path (kch) to[circle connection bar] (gen);
\path (lhc) to[circle connection bar] (med);
\path (ksh) to[circle connection bar] (dec);
\path (ndr) to[circle connection bar] (mat);
\path (otr) to[circle connection bar] (opt);
\path (otr) to[circle connection bar] (csm);
\path (otr) to[circle connection bar] (img);
\path (raf) to[circle connection bar] (alg);
\path (raf) to[circle connection bar] (gen);
\path (rbk) to[circle connection bar] (res);
\path (rbk) to[circle connection bar] (mat);
\path (sht) to[circle connection bar] (log);
\path (sht) to[circle connection bar] (dec);
\path (ver) to[circle connection bar] (qin);
\path (ver) to[circle connection bar] (cod);