Customizable template (pdfLaTeX version) for typesetting theses in English.
This template is based on the unofficial diploma thesis template designed for the graduate students of the Department of Computer Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnese, Greece.
See "main.tex" for instructions and customization options.
(Last update: Feb. 19, 2018 ).
( Note that basic-plan Overleaf users may encounter "compile timeout" errors while trying to compile this template online.)
Ce modèle de rapport est conçu pour le département d'informatique et reprend la charte graphique d'Avignon Université .
This model of report is designed to mimic the official template of the CS department of Avignon University (France).
upnmthesis is a LaTeX class for authoring theses that fulfill formatting specifications required by Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM). This class and template was commissioned by the university's Centre of Graduate Studies in April, 2016, for both undergraduate and postgraduate theses. A sample file sample-thesis.tex, as well as relevant sample chapters, are included in the package. upnmthesis is available as a template on Overleaf which I recommend you modify for your own thesis write-up. (You can rename it, but I'll stick with the file name sample-thesis.tex throughout this guide.) The latest version of this template can also be downloaded from my website.