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This thesis template has been developed in accordance with the guidelines established by the Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies at Applied Science Private University (ASU), Amman, Jordan, for master's postgraduate theses. https://www.asu.edu.jo/
New (2024) LaTeX paper template for Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) conferences.
Novo template LaTeX (de 2024) para artigos em eventos da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC).
Template LaTeX que atende as normas oficiais da Biblioteca Universitária do CEFET-MG.
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This is the official template for Anoma Research Topics. Papers in this journal are first published on Zenodo and also indexed at https://art.anoma.net.
Jonathan Prieto-Cubides, TG × ⊙ and Tobias Heindel