Tehzeeb Jafri - Teaching Resume
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Tehzeeb Jafri's Teaching Résumé

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Tehzeeb Jafri's Teaching Résumé
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% This is an example CV created using altacv.cls (v1.1.3, 30 April 2017) written by
% LianTze Lim (liantze@gmail.com), based on the
% Cv created by BusinessInsider at http://www.businessinsider.my/a-sample-resume-for-marissa-mayer-2016-7/?r=US&IR=T
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%% sample.bib contains your publications
\name{Tehzeeb Jafri}
\tagline{Professional Engineer \& Passionate Educator }
% Cropped to square from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marissa_Mayer#/media/File:Marissa_Mayer_May_2014_(cropped).jpg, CC-BY 2.0
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% \phone{000-00-0000}
\mailaddress{5310 Keswick Lane, Fort Wayne IN, 46835 U.S.A}
\location{\hspace{0.05cm} Citizen of United States} \hspace{0.14cm}
\phone{+1 (260) 241-2942} % I'm just making this up though.
% \orcid{orcid.org/0000-0000-0000-0000} % Obviously making this up too. If you want to use this field (and also other academicons symbols), add "academicons" option to \documentclass{altacv}
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%% Provide the file name containing the sidebar contents as an optional parameter to \cvsection.
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%% \cvsection title in the "main" bar.
\cvevent{Instructor Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET)}{Indiana-University Purdue-University, Fort Wayne (IPFW)}{Sept 2013 -- Present}{Fort Wayne, Indiana U.S.A}
\item \b Five \b years of teaching experience in mechanical engineering technology department. Taught instrumental process control, applied engineering statistics, digital \& analogue signals, quality, and electricity.
\item Planned, trained and evaluated students through a range of different methods including assignments, quizzes, exams, presentations, group projects, class participation and exams.
\item Participated in teacher training workshops and conferences, meeting and professional development seminars.
\item Effectively used teaching tools like Blackboard, SmartBoards, spreadsheets and
other engineering software.
\cvevent{Substitute Teacher Science \& Mathematic}{Fort Wayne Community Schools (FWCS)}{Jan 2014 -- Present}{Fort Wayne, Indiana U.S.A}
\item Taught science, chemistry and mathematics to primary, middle and high school students as well as individuals with learning challenges and special needs within a mainstreamed, inclusive classroom.
\item Actively serving variety of schools and task forces focused on curriculum development, textbook review, fund-raising and anti-bullying efforts.
\cvevent{Math Teacher}{Ivy Tech Community College}{2013 -- 2013}{Fort Wayne, Indiana U.S.A}
\item Designed and implemented interactive math lessons using new technologies for the school.
\item Taught Algebra, Trigonometry, Statistics, Advanced Algebra, Geometry, Math Enrichment and Calculus
\cvevent{Senior Test Engineer \& Lead Trainer (Automotive)}{Dana Corporation (ASG Technology Center)}{1999 -- 2009}{Toledo, Ohio U.S.A}
\item Taught prototyping, design, and production testing validation of automotive axles, drive shafts and other related parts for GM, Toyota, Ford, Nissan, TATA and Chrysler.
\item Conducted gear testing on dynamometers and fatigue testing \& ultimate testing on Tinius Olsen tester. Analyzed fixed design testing on testing equipment.
\item Performed statistical analysis and Weibull analysis on test data. Created statistical plots, histograms, charts, plots and presented photographs of tests setups and fracture samples.
\item Analyzed and improved processes. Performed fatigue, beam, static torque, gear fatigue, deflection, hot/cold flow, and axle chatter tests.
\cvevent{Senior Test Engineer}{Essex Group Incorporated)}{1994 -- 1999}{Fort Wayne, Indiana U.S.A}
\item Analyzed field quality and customer issues with motors, coils, and other automotive devises.
\item Performed magnet wire product testing, created detailed testing reports and provided recommendations to customers in a timely manner.
\item Provided testing data to marketing and sales departments for improve customer relationships and setting new target markets.
\item Obtained UL, ASTM, ISO and Federal specification approval.
% \divider
% \cvevent{Product Engineer}{Google}{23 June 1999 -- 2001}{Palo Alto, CA}
% \begin{itemize}
% \item Joined the company as employe \#20 and female employee \#1
% \item Developed targeted advertisement in order to use user's search queries and show them related ads
% \end{itemize}
\cvsection {Areas of Expertize}
{\printinfo{\faTv}{\large\textbf{Software Skills}}
\item Microsoft Office 2016: Word, Excel, Power Point, One Note, Access and Project.
\item Advance Blackboard v10 and Canvas
\item Lotus notes, Spreadsheet and Databases.
\item MatLab and Mulit-Sim Circuit Analysis software.
\item Megadac Software, Dynamometer Programming and Flex Software.
{\printinfo{\faIndustry}{\large\textbf{Professional Engineering Skills}}
\item Individual education plan development and project based learning experience for students.
\item TQM / ISO 9001 Training and Quality Assurance processes.
\item Magnet wire testing, customer support, ASTM, NEMA testing.
\item Developed and designed the patent for Hyslik-200 Magnet wire insulation.
\item Researching, analyzing and testing metals, chemicals and insulations.
{\printinfo{\faGroup}{\large\textbf{Soft Skills}}
\item Strong communication and presentation skills.
\item Inspiring leadership and coaching skills.
\item Excellent problem solving skills.
\item Teamwork and collaboration skills.
\cvsection {Professional References}
\cvref{\ Azam Choudhdry, M.B.A}{mazamc@aoil.com}
{Fort Wayne Indiana, 46805}
\cvref{Dr.\ Barry Dupen, Ph.D}{dupenb@ipfw.edu}
{2101 E. Coliseum Blv, \ Fort Wayne Indiana, 46805}
\cvref{\ Mohammad Umair, M.S}{ujafri@outlook.com}
{\ Purdue University \\ Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802}
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