Shubham Gupta's Résumé
Shubham Gupta
Last Updated:
há 8 anos
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
My résumé from IIT, Kanpur

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% @brief LaTeX2e Resume for Shubham Gupta
\title{Resume_Shubham Gupta }
\name{\LARGE Shubham Gupta}
% * <shubham.gupta.s@gmail.com> 2016-07-26T17:33:14.688Z:
% ^.
\section{\mysidestyle \textbf{Contact Information}}
Senior Undergraduate \hfill E-mail: \texttt{\href{mailto:guptas@iitk.ac.in}{guptas@iitk.ac.in}} \\
Department of Civil Engineering \hfill Mobile: \texttt{(+91)-7754916033} \texttt{\href{mailto:shubham.gupta.s@gmail.com}} \\
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, India\newline
\section{\mysidestyle \textbf{Education}}
\begin{tabular}{ | l | l | p{8cm}| l |}
\textbf{Year} & \textbf{Degree} & \textbf{Institute/School} & \textbf{CPI/\%} \\ \hline
\textbf{2017} & \textbf{B.Tech, Civil Engineering} & \textbf{Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur} & 7.0\textsuperscript{*} /10.0 \\ \hline
\textbf{2012} & Senior Secondary(CBSE) & D.A.V Public School, Kota & 86.8\% \\ \hline
\textbf{2010} & Secondary (ICSE) & City Montessori School, Lucknow & 95.4\% \\
\textsuperscript{*} At the end of 6th semester
\section{\mysidestyle \textbf{Academic Achievements}}
\item Achieved All India Rank \textbf{1376 (99.8 percentile)} in \textbf{JEE-ADVANCED 2013} \hfill \textit{(May '13)}
\item Secured \textbf{99 percentile} in \textbf{JEE-Mains} among 1.5 million candidates \hfill \textit{(Apr '13)}
\section{\mysidestyle \textbf{Internships}}
\underline{\textbf{Case Study on operations of Chittranjan Locomotive Workshop(CLW), West Bengal, India}} \linebreak
\hfill\textit{(May '16 -- Present)} \vspace{-6mm}\\\vspace{2mm}
\item Surveyed \textbf{Chittranjan Locomotive Workshop} to map the processes involved in the manufacture of \textbf{electric locomotives}
\item Developed a \textbf{simulation model} of the processes to analyse the \textbf{workshop capacity, bottlenecks} and explored opportunities for improvement of \textbf{throughput} using \textbf{AnyLogic Software}
\item Developed a \textbf{case study} to enable appreciation of various concepts of \textbf{capacity analysis}
\underline{\textbf{Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Energy Limited, Gurgaon ,India}}\linebreak
\hfill\textit{(May'15--Jul'15)} \vspace{0mm}\\\vspace{-5mm}
\item Analyzed the \textbf{foundation works, piling works} of transmission line towers.
\item Developed substantial understanding of \textbf{planning} as well as \textbf{execution} of the project.
\underline{\textbf{Kochi Metro Rail Limited, Kochi, India}} \hfill\textit{(Dec '14)}
\item Visited a \textbf{construction yard} and \textbf{observed} the construction of \textbf{I-Girders, U-Girders} used for construction and support of metro viaduct
\item Familiarized with \textbf{piling work, pile cap, pier casting, precast girders} and \textbf{pier caps}
\item Reviewed quality and safety control procedures
\section{\mysidestyle \textbf{Research Projects \&\\Experience}}
\underline{\textbf{Topographical Mapping of Academic Area, IIT Kanpur, India}}
\hfill \textit{(July'15--November'15)}\vspace{0mm}\\\vspace{-1mm}
\textsl{\small{Mentored by Dr. Bharat Lohani, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur}}\vspace{-2mm}\\\vspace{-2mm}
\item Established control with the help of \textbf{Total Station} and \textbf{Auto Level}
\item \textbf{Mapped} all the features of academic area, IIT Kanpur using \textbf{GPS, Total station and Auto Level}
\item \textbf{Used ArcGIS 9.3} Software for generating a comprehensive map
\underline{\textbf{Manufacturing Processes I, Material Science Project, IIT Kanpur, India}}\linebreak
\hfill \textit{(Dec'14--Apr'15)}\vspace{3mm}\\\vspace{-1mm}
\item Coordinated with a team of 6 members to design and model a replica of \textbf{The Amsterdam Arena}
\item Used \textbf{casting, welding, brazing, cutting and sheet metal folding}
\underline{\textbf{Manufacturing Processes II, Mechanical Project, IIT Kanpur, India}}
\hfill \textit{(Jul'14--Nov'14)}\vspace{0mm}\\\vspace{-1mm}
\item Built a \textbf{Mechanical Spider} utilizing a chain-sprocket mechanism
\item Fabricated parts through \textbf{lathe, milling, welding and other conventional manufacturing techniques}
\section{\mysidestyle \textbf{Position of Responsibility}}
\textbf{Secretary, English Literary Society, IIT Kanpur} \hspace{36mm} \textit{(Apr '14 --Mar '15 )} \\\vspace{-4mm}%
\item Managed \textbf{Intra-College} as well as \textbf{Inter-College events}
\item Coordinated new events like \textbf{Story writing \& Creative writing} for the society
\item Won\textbf{DumbC} event in \textbf{Galaxy}(Inter-Hall Culutral Competition three times in a row
\section{\mysidestyle \textbf{Technical\\Skills}}
\textbf{Programming Languages \& Software} - \textbf{AnyLogic,ArcGis,MS-Office,C,Java,\LaTeX\\}
\section{\mysidestyle \textbf{Relevant\\Courses}}
Reinforced Concrete Design & Design of Steel Structures \\
Structural Analysis & Differential Equations (ODEs \& PDEs) \\
Special Concretes$\ddagger$ & Computational Methods in Engineering\\
Design of Transportation Facilities$\ddagger$ & Construction Materials \\
$\ddagger$ On going courses\\