Last Updated
há 9 anos
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
My Resume
Original author for Template: Debarghya Das ( With extensive modifications by: Vel (
My Resume
Original author for Template: Debarghya Das ( With extensive modifications by: Vel (
% Deedy CV/Resume
% XeLaTeX Template
% Version 1.0 (5/5/2014)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% Original author:
% Debarghya Das (
% With extensive modifications by:
% Vel (
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (
% Important notes:
% This template needs to be compiled with XeLaTeX.
\documentclass[letterpaper]{deedy-resume} % Use US Letter paper, change to a4paper for A4
\lastupdated % Print the Last Updated text at the top right
\namesection{Christopher}{Liow}{ % Your name
\href{}{} | 215.375.4852 % Your contact information
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.33\textwidth} % The left column takes up 33% of the text width of the page
% Education
\subsection{Purdue University}
\descript{Computer Engineering}
\location{Expected Dec 2015 \\ West Lafayette, IN }
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\descript{BS in Computer Engineering}
\location{Expected Dec. 2015 }
College of Engineering \\
First Year Engineering Honors Program
\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section
\subsection{Central Bucks East HS}
\location{Doylestown, PA}
Graduated Summa Cum Laude \\
SAT: 2270/2400
% Coursework
Object Oriented Programming \\
Software Engineering Tools Lab \\
{\footnotesize \textit{\textbf{(BASH \& Python 3) }}} \\
Data Structures \\
Programming in Python \\
Advanced C Programming \\
Compilers \\
ASIC Design \\
Microcontroller Design/Interfacing \\
Digital Computer Design \& Prototyping \\
Electronic Circuit Analysis \& Design \\
\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section
% Skills
Python \textbullet{} Java \textbullet{} C\# \textbullet{} C \textbullet{} Verilog \textbullet{} Oracle SQL \textbullet{} HTML/CSS/JavaScript/JQuery \textbullet{} \\
BASH \textbullet{} C++ \textbullet{} R \textbullet{} MySQL \textbullet{}\\
Visual Studio \textbullet{} Eclipse \textbullet{} PyQt \textbullet{} MATLAB
\subsection{Operating Systems}
Windows \textbullet{} Linux \textbullet{} UNIX
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% Links
Github: \\
HackerRank: \\
LinkedIn: \\
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\end{minipage} % The end of the left column
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.66\textwidth} % The right column takes up 66% of the text width of the page
% Experience
\runsubsection{Clarity Partners LLC.}
\descript{| Associate Software Engineer}
\location{May. 2015 – present | Chicago, IL}
\vspace{\topsep} % Hacky fix for awkward extra vertical space
\item Design and develop at all layers (front-end + back-end) public-facing applications for civilians to access and utilize police resources.
\item Co-authored Visual Studio library containing custom Bootstrap, WebGrid, and Form Validation extension methods for internal use.
\item Create automated scripts that check/merge/edit/compare internal databases on a routine basis (Oracle SQL)
\item Primarily used ASP.NET MVC with Entity Framework, experience with C\#, HTML/CSS/JS, and Oracle SQL
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\descript{| Software Engineering and Design Intern}
\location{June 2014 – Present | Kokomo, IN}
\item Implemented new features for Kayak and Bus Monitor applications in C\#
\item Developed new message tracking algorithm, drastically improved speed and increased message capacity 10x
\item Wrote extensions to allow users to open/edit databases in variety of formats
\item Organize and handle bugs and issues reported from users, continuously update software to meet client needs.
\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section
\runsubsection{Purdue Libraries}
\descript{| Workstation Support Technician}
\location{May 2013 – Jan. 2014 | West Lafayette, IN}
\item Provided technical support for staff and faculty of Purdue Libraries
\item Co-authored internal and external customer knowledgebase, as well as composing and editing operational documentation of processes and networks
\item Worked independently and on small teams to solve technical issues that arise
% Research
\section{Design Experience}
\runsubsection{DVI Image Processing ASIC} \\
Dynamic image-adjustment ASIC capable of color correction
\item Hardware implementation of the Daltonization color-correction algorithm for color blind users
\item Able to keep up with 60FPS at 640x480 resolution while maintaining an average color error of <0.05\%.
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\runsubsection{MultiCore Processor}
Designed a multicore processor capable of handling the MIPS instruction set.
\item Pipelined to handle hazards from instructions, components, and memory as well as the ability to handle up to 5 instructions ‘in flight’.
\item Utilizes cache coherence to operate efficiently with multiple processors
\item Capable of interfacing variable-latency RAM
\item Written in Verilog and VHDL with automated scripts in BASH
% Awards
2015 & Single Cycle Processor Design (ranked 7 out of 50+ in efficiency) \\
2012 & Purdue First Year Engineering Honors Program \\
2012 & Recipient of AT\&T Foundation Scholarship \\
2011 & Recipient of Purdue Presidential Scholarship (4 year scholarship) \\
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% Societies
%2011-2015 & Alpha Kappa Lambda Fraternity\\
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