Akhil Kolla's Resume
Akhil K
Last Updated
há 5 anos
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
My resume. Created with the Deedy CV template.
My resume. Created with the Deedy CV template.
\namesection{Akhil}{Kolla}{ \urlstyle{same}\url{https://akhil47blog.wordpress.com/} \\
\href{mailto:akhil.trinayan@gmail.com}{akhil.trinayan@gmail.com} | +91-7794810199
\subsection{B.tech in Computer Science}
\descript{Amrita School Of Engineering}
\location{2017--Present | Amritapuri, Kerala, India. \\ Cum. GPA: 8.9}
\subsection{High Schooling}
\descript{Sri Chaithanya junior collage}
\location{2016--2017 | Gudavalli, Andhra pradesh, India. \\ 968/1000}
\descript{Dr kkr's goutham concept school}
\location{2012--2015| Gudivada, Andhra pradesh, India. \\ GPA: 9.5}
Git-hub:// \href{https://github.com/kolla47}{\custombold{kolla47}} \\
Linked-In:// \href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/akhil-k-0395b4157}{\custombold{Akhil K}} \\
Google+:// \href{https://plus.google.com/u/0/110672244826880157913}{\custombold{akhil.trinayan@gmail.com}} \\
Twitter:// \href{https://twitter.com/AkhilK27842506}{\custombold{@AkhilK27842506}} \\
Blog:// \href{https://akhil47blog.wordpress.com/}{\custombold{AKHIL'S BLOG}} \\
% Languages
\custombold{Telugu} (Mother tongue) \\
\custombold{English} (Fluent) \\
\custombold{Hindi} (Fluent) \\
\section{Area of Interest}
\custombold{Web development} \\
\custombold{Competitive Programming} \\
\custombold{Open Source Contribution} \\
\custombold{Salesforce LWC} \\
C \textbullet{} C++ \textbullet{} Python \textbullet{} Java \\
HTML \textbullet{} CSS \textbullet{} JavaScript \textbullet{} Bootstrap \\
PHP \textbullet{} Ajax \textbullet{} jQuery \textbullet{} nodeJS \\ MongoDB \textbullet{} MySQL \\
Linux \textbullet{} Windows \\
Git \textbullet{}Mercurial\\
\custombold{Other} \\
Adobe Photoshop \textbullet{} Sketchup \\ Adobe Premiere pro \textbullet{} M.S.Office \\ Inkspace \textbullet{} AutoCAD
% Open Source Contributions
\section{Open Source Contributions}
\descript{ | HTML, Django, CSS and JS. }
\location{Web page of an active student development club, \custombold{amFOSS.}}
\begin{tightemize}\item Bug fixes, Feature and basic UI development.
\descript{ | Java}
\location{An android application for Auto navigation.}
\item Bug fixes\end{tightemize}
\descript{ | C, GTK+}
\location{Personal task manager for GNOME}
\item Bug fixes and back-end Development\end{tightemize}
\runsubsection{AOSSIE - Mind The World}
\descript{ | HTML, CSS, JS, node, jspm}
\location{An extension for Google Chrome that helps people learn new languages while they browse the web.}
\item Bug fixes and Feature Development\end{tightemize}
% Technical Projects
\section{Technical Projects}
\descript{| JS, Ajax, jQuery, Rest API}
\location{A simple web application which uses Google street view API, New York times API and Wikipedia API}
The program prompts for street and city to display a image of the street in the background, shows some articles on the given city and some wiki links which are relevant for the giver city.
\descript{| Java, Swing}
\location{A Java based project for students attendance management}
The program uses files as data-base and Swing for GUI. The code is properly commented and understandable.
\descript{| NodeJS , MongoDB}
\location{A Laundry management system using NodeJS and MongoDB.}
A Laundry management system for amrita students.
This Application has Online Services with mobile and computer friendly themes developed.
Features : Admin Panel and Customer Panel.
\descript{| JS, HTML}
\location{A Simple chrome extension with good functionality}
A simple chrome extension for redirection to important websites.
\descript{| C}
\location{CS50'17 projects, 1-7 weeks}
CS50 problem-set solutions with documentation.
% Hobbies
\textbullet{} & Reading book\\
\textbullet{} & Gaming\\
\textbullet{} & Blogging\\