Actuary Romero Roberto's Professional CV (Inglés)
john romero
Last Updated:
há 5 anos
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Actuary Romero Roberto's CV

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Actuary Romero Roberto's CV
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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{\Huge \textsc{Actuary Romero Roberto}
%Section: Personal Data
\section{Personal Information}
\textsc{Date of birth:} & México,D.F. | October 18, 1991 \\
\textsc{Adrress:} & Cuauhtemoc 49, Col. San Francisco Culhuacan,\\
\textsc{} &CP 04260, Coyoacán, CDMX \\
\textsc{Mobile:} & 5526868523\\
\textsc{email:} & \href{mailto:idrjrt@gmail.com}{idrjrt@gmail.com} , \href{mailto:rromero@piplatam.com}{rromero@piplatam.com} \\
% \textsc{NSS:} & 45099137411 \\
% \textsc{RFC:} & ROTR911018-1Y5 \\
% \textsc{CURP:} & ROTR911018HDFMRB06 \
%Section: Work Experience at the top
\section{Work Experience}
\textsc{Actual}& \textsc{Proveedor Integral de Precios } \\\textsc{}&\emph{Manager Risk Management}\\&\footnotesize{Responsible of methodologies and valuation of Risk Matrix according to CONSAR (Public pension funds regulator) and CNSF (insurances companies regulator) that includes Derivatives, FixIncome, Equity, Commodities, Funds and FX.
Portfolio risk management for different clients that includes Brokerage Houses, Funds pensions, insurances companies and families offices (Market, Credit, Counter-party and Liquidity Risk)
Independent valuation of Mortgage Back Securities, Private Debt Funds, etc.
In charge of creating proposals, development and management of new products.
Active member in committees and subcommittees (Prices, Projects and Euro-bonds), in addition, creation and management of the internal program of continuous training in the institution.
\textsc{2016}& \textsc{Deloitte } \\\textsc{}&\emph{Senior Consultant}\\&\footnotesize{UAIR's (Unit of comprehensive risk administration) Audit Development for local and international banks (Citi, Agroasemex, Banjercito)}\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\
\textsc{2015 - 2016}& \textsc{Royal Holiday} \\\textsc{}&\emph{Business Intelligence}\\&\footnotesize{Customer rating and segmentation for Customer Relationship Manager (CRM). math models developer of purchases and cancellations , sells and reservations forecast by the club, Analysis of wallet and collections. Generation of KPI´s for Call center and Marketing.}\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\
\textsc{2014-2015}& \textsc{CONSAR} \\\textsc{}&\emph{Project Leader}\\&\footnotesize{Analysis and Managment of Risk exposures, metrics and reports development by public pension funds porfolios.
Analysis, evaluation and approval of "Risk Methodologies and Procedures Manuals" (Market, credit and liquidity), Project developer to new funds regulation. }\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textsc{2013-2014} & \textsc{Proveedor Integral de Precios} \\&\emph{Risk and I+D Analyst}\\&\footnotesize{Developer of Risk system for some Public pension funds, that was used to analysis and monitoring of Risk exposures, Data bases maintenance and development of automatic reports by different programming languages}\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
%\textsc{2012-Actual} & \textsc{Persona Física} \\&\emph{Consultor}\\&\footnotesize{Desarrollo y administración de proyectos: Optimización de Redes, costos y automatización de procesos; Desarrollos orientados al cumplimiento de la regulación emitida por la CNSF (Comisión Nacional de Seguros y Fianzas).}, CONSAR (Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro) y CNBV (Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores)\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\
%\textsc{2012} & \textsc{UNAM FES-Acatlán} \\&\emph{Profesor Adjunto}\\&\footnotesize{Profesor adjunto de las asignaturas de Cálculo I y II}\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\
%Section: Education
% \textsc{2016 - Actual} & Licenciatura en \textsc{Matemáticas}, \textbf{Universidad Abierta y a Distancia de}\\
% \textsc{ } & \textbf{México}, UNAD\\
\textsc{2009-2013} & Bachelor of \textsc{Actuary}, \textbf{Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México},\\
\textsc{ } & FES Acatlán.\\
\textsc{2006-2009} & High School \textbf{Escuela Nacional Preparatoria No. 5}, José Vasconcelos\\
%Section: Scholarships and additional info
\textsc{2016} & Finance and Computational Techniques \footnotesize(UNAM, FES Acatlán)\normalsize\\
\textsc{2013} & First Latin American School of Bayesian statistics \footnotesize(San José, Costa Rica)\normalsize\\
\textsc{2010} & Financial Mathematics-FM of SoA/CAS \footnotesize(AMAT)\normalsize\\
\textsc{} & Probability-P of SoA/CAS \footnotesize(AMAT)\normalsize\\
\textsc{} & Java Programming, HTML \footnotesize(3CT)\normalsize\\
\textsc{2009} & Data Bases 1, 2 y 3 (SQL) \footnotesize(3CT)\normalsize\\
\textsc{} & Programming (JAVA SCRIPT) \footnotesize(3CT)\normalsize\\
\textsc{} & Programming on C y C++ \footnotesize(3CT)\normalsize\\
\textsc{2013} & Statistical Competition for "The International Year of Statistics" on\\
&UNAM-FES Acatlán. \textbf{Second Place}\normalsize\\
\textsc{2009} & Math Competition "Gauss-Euler" by UNAM- FES Acatlán \textbf{Third Place}\normalsize\\
%Section: Languages
\textsc{English:}& B2 Level \footnotesize(UNAM, CU)\normalsize\\
\textsc{Portuguese:}& Reading Comprehension \footnotesize(UNAM, FES Acatlán)\normalsize \\
Advanced:& \textsc{VBA}, Sql (Sql Server, Mysql y Oracle), Office\\
Middle:& \textsc{R}, SPSS, Python, Qlik View - Sense, \textsc{matlab}, Access, \textsc{SAS}, {\fb \LaTeX}\setmainfont[SmallCapsFont=Fontin-SmallCaps.otf]{Fontin.otf}\\
\section{Interests and Extracurricular Activities }
Finance, Statistical, Games Theory, Programming, Sports, Soccer, Literature, Technology. \\